Chapter 6

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So far, the tour had gone great. Marinette has been shown the sports hall, gymnasium, canteen, science block, courtyard and the senior library where only the older students were allowed to go in to study. Other students would have to use the other library which was on the second floor of the main building.

The four teenagers were currently on their way to the tech/design department block since that's where Marinette's fashion design class would be. They had about ten more minutes before tutor period and Marinette wanted to know where her fashion classes would be

It turns out news spreads petty fast at this school. As Marinette walked through the halls with Allegra, Claude and Allan, she could feel the stares and hear a few whispers of the students who were nearby.

"That must be the new girl"

"Goodness, she's short."

"She's cute"

"She's hanging out with some of the Quantic Kids? That's unheard of"

Maybe she's dating Claude or Allan. Doubt it would be Felix,"

"Or she's replacing Felix!"

"She's super pretty though,"

"I wonder if she's single. I hope so,"

"She ain't gonna wanna date, you bro. I'm probably more type,"

"pft! Yeah right!"

Marinette blushed at some of the comments. Some she wanted to roll her eyes at. But as silly or nice as some of the comments were, no one had said anything mean. Yet.

Throughout the quick tour, Marinette had learnt a few things about the other three tens she was walking with.

Allegra loves music and has been doing ballet since she was four years old. Her whole family is from France and her family is rather wealthy because her father is part of the government, her mother is a lawyer and her older brother is a professional football player. She hopes to be a musician one day as it's her passion. But she's also wanting to study law as a backup career in case music doesn't work out.

Claude was your typical attractive, quite flirty and outgoing guy. He's originally from Spain and moved to Paris when he was seven years old. He's quite a fan of maths which is something that Marinette wouldn't have expected. He didn't go into much detail about his family or their wealth. He just said that the line of his family has always been pretty wealthy due to the inheritance that is passed down the family and it just increases since his family is good when it comes to investing. He plans on studying real estate as his backup in case becoming a professional athlete doesn't work out.

Allan was one of five siblings and he's the oldest and heir to the company M.T.I, which is short for Mensah Tech Inc. He talked a little about the backstory of how his father, Tobias Mensah's company started off as a small one in Ghana and became global in 5 other countries outside of Africa after a year of operating. Marinette knows the backstory already. But that was only because of how much Max would rave about the company and how he wanted to get an internship there. Marinette could imagine the look on Max's face if she were to have told him that she met the son of the CEO of M.T.I. It's a shame that he wouldn't believe her if she told him now. Not that she would anyway. Apparently, Lila knows Allan's father and promised to put in a good word for Max. This happened last week when the class was discussing careers. 

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