Chapter 12

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A loud beeping noise had woken up Marinette from her deep slumber, normally she would have slept through it as she was always tired but she has been feeling a lot better lately with fewer akumas appearing since she moved schools. Not that she's complaining.

She quickly hit the snooze button, leaving her comfortable bed. She made her bed before she went to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for the day. She put on her school uniform and tied her hair in a high ponytail. She applied some mascara, filled in her brows and put on some lipgloss. Smiling at herself in the mirror, she grabbed her signature pink bag with Tikki and Plagg already inside and went to the kitchen to make herself a coffee. Marinette had about 15 minutes before tutor but decided she would head there early anyway. Besides, it's not like anyone else would be there this early.

A few of minutes later...

"You have got to be kidding me."

Felix paused reading through a PowerPoint presentation to look up, making eye contact with Marinette. She'd disposed of the politeness or anything besides outright hostility towards him, which was vaguely amusing. At least she wouldn't sugarcoat her words with him, there was very little he hated more than that.

"Why are you here early Dupain-Cheng?"

"Why are you here early?"

"I am always here this early if you must know,"

"Great," Marinette mumbled, "I was hoping to draw in peace,"

"Should have stayed in your room to doodle then,"

"I don't doodle!"

When he didn't respond, she rolled her eyes and went to her seat next to him. she took her sketchbook out of her bag along with a small bag with some croissants in it.

Felix watched as Marinette flicked through some of the pages in her book. He frowned a little when he noticed that she had a different book from the one he's seen her draw in before. He truly found her work impressive.

"What are you staring at?" Marinette suddenly asked.

 Felix then realized he had been staring for too long, "Nothing," he quickly replied.

Marinette snorted, "sure,"

"How many sketchbooks do you have?" Felix asked.

Marinette looked a little confused at the question, "um...three. Why?"

"This one looks different to the one I have seen you use,"

"That's because the other two are just for rough sketches. This one is for final designs and things I'll make in the near future,"

Felix nodded in understanding and went back to what he was doing as did Marinette. 

A sort of working silence fell over them as the girl worked on her drawing and nibbled on pastries and he worked on the PowerPoint. It was weird since they're never usually quiet when together, but it almost felt comfortable. Most people liked to fill the silence with idle chatter, but Marinette was content to do her work in silence and let him do his work in that silence as well. He still wasn't sure about her, but he appreciated that.

Then the silence was broken by a rumbling growl.

Both teens looked up at each other. Marinette looked at Felix amused as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

Marinette passed her bag of croissants over to him, "take one,"

"I'd rather n-"

"And I'd rather not sit here while your stomach complains. Take one and enjoy it,"

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