Chapter 19

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Allan was out of it. He was now on all fours trying to catch his breath.

"Oh, this is the best way to start this Monday morning!"

Felix cleared at him, "What about my situation has you as hysterical as you are behaving right now?"

"I never thought I'd live to see the day," Allan said, getting up and slinging an arm around the blonde's shoulder, "I feel like. Proud father,"

Felix rolled his eyes and removed Allan's arm from his shoulder, "can we please get serious,"

Allan wiped away his tears, "Right, right ok. Ah, I'm just so happy for you bro!"

"You have both made it clear that you are happy but you are also acting like Marinette and I are together,"

"It'll happen. Don't you worry. We'll help you win her heart,"

"You two are both single. Hat can you help me with exactly?"

Both Allan and Claire scoffed.

"Just cause we don't have girlfriends doesn't mean we can't help you. We know more about girls than you that's for sure," Claude chuckled, "seriously man, let us help you win her over,"

Felix rolled his eyes, "seems like her heart may be with Remi even though she doubts his obvious attraction to her,"

"Who wouldn't have a crush on the girl? Shoot I was attracted to her when she first joined the school,"

"Of course you were Claude," said Allan.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"You know what I mean,"

Felix just sighed and sat down, ignoring his friends' quarrel. He is still trying to take everything in and come to terms with his feelings.


"How do you feel about Felix?"

Marinette was rather taken aback by Allegra's question.


"You heard me. What do you think about him?" She asked again as she parted the ravenette's hair so she could braid it.

"He and I have gotten along better. I like how we are. It's different to what I've had with anyone else,"

"In what way?"

"I can't quite explain it very well in words. But I'm just happy we're not at each other's throats anymore. I'm sure he feels the same,"

"Ok! How would you feel being his girlfriend?"

Allegra watch through the mirror as Marinette began to blush.

"I forget how you don't really have much of a filter. What's with these questions?"

"Just a thought I've had on my mind for a while,"

Marinette turned her head, "How long is a while? I've been here for hardly 3 months!"

"Intuition," Allegra responded, purposely thickening her accent while making Marinette face the front again.

Marinette huffed, "Well to answer your question... I've only ever thought what being with him would be like. I mean, any girl would wonder. He's never had a girlfriend let alone a crush!"

"Did you imagine what you being with him would be like?"

"Well I-It crossed my mind what he would be like in a relationship. But that's all. There's no way we'd be a couple!"

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