Chapter 3

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"So, Collège Sévigné huh? Perfect school for you if you ask me" said Kagami as she took a sip of her milkshake.

"That's what I sad when I showed her their website. And low and behold, our Mari-bug got in!" said Chloe.

"And they would be stupid to not take you in. you are extremely intelligent and talented. If they ended up turning you down for some reason, I would defiantly recommend you to my head teacher. I'm sure he would be more than happy to give you a scholarship"

Marinette smiled at her, "thanks Kagami. Honestly, I cannot wait to start. Only three more days! I still can't believe it!"

"And that is why we are here helping you pack your things" said Chloe. Kagami nodded in agreement.

Marinette rose a confused brow at her two friends, "help me pack? Now? It's only Friday. Also, I think I can manage on my own"

Chloe chuckled, "knowing you, you probably would have somehow forgotten that you needed to pack and end up doing it last minute late at night and barely get any sleep meaning that you may end up late for your first day."

Marinette opened her mouth. Then closed it when she thought about Chloe's words and realised that she wasn't too far off with her observation.

"Ok. Fine. Whatever. You can help me pack. But I won't need that much anyway. Collège Sévigné do have uniforms and I'll be sent them tomorrow."

"That's true, but you can't forget about after school and the weekends that you won't come home. You are not going to spend all day and night in a uniform now are you?" asked Kagami

Marinette rolled her eyes, "obviously not"

"And the outfits must be cute too. I'm sure that you'll run into plenty of hot guys who will fawn over you. Even in uniform" said Chloe as she began to look through the ravenettes closet.

"Chloe!" Marinette blushed.

"What? It's true. Y'know, I have a theory".

"Which is?" Kagami asked

"All the really great hot guys are hidden away at the prestigious private schools, especially the ones the boarding schools. That is where they are and it is why they can never be found. At least here in France."

The two ravenettes looked at Chloe. Then at each other before they burst out laughing. Chloe was still browsing through clothes but she let out a laugh of her own too.

"You may be onto something Chloe. Now that I have paid more attention to those at my school, I must say that some of the guys there are rather appealing to look at" Kagami said with a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Ooo, has someone caught your eye?" Marinette asked, leaning towards Kagami and wiggling her eyebrows.


"That is a yes! Tell us. You must" Chloe demanded

"yeah Kagami. The last person you talked about was Adrien and that was a loooong time ago. Well, all of us liked him back then but still. You having an eye on someone is a big deal!"

Kagami's brow twitched, "How?"

"It just is. So tell us who the guy is. Pleeeeeease!"

Kagami was doing her usual best to hold her ground. But with the way that Marinette was gently shaking her with excitement by the arm and Chloe's expectant gaze, she could feel herself break a sweat.

Even the kwami's seemed to have turned their attention towards them.

"His name is-"


Marinette let go of Kagami and ran to her balcony. She could see a large beast with a long swaying tail from a distance that was crashing into buildings.

The two girls followed and their eyes widened when they saw it pick up a coach that seemed to have people in and throw it from where it stood.

"Shit!" Marinette cursed, "packing and boy talk can be put on hold. Let's get going"

The three girls transformed and went to go and battle the akuma.


"Holy crap that akuma's tail is huge!" Honey Bee yelled as she barely managed to dodge being hit with it. She was thankful that as she was the true holder for the bee miraculous, her new transformation came with wings.

It took them a long time. About 2 hours and when they finally defeated the akuma who turned out to be a young teenager who was denied of playing a video game that was 18+ rated and got upset and became one of the monstrous beasts.

Ladybug released her miraculous cure and as usual, everything went back to normal.

After making sure everyone was safe, the three heroines made their way discretely to Marinette's house.

When they landed, the released their transformations and Tikki, Loong and Pollen were given their treats and went to Marinette's desk where Plagg was waiting for them.

"That...was ridiculous!" Chloe whined, "how does a kid even get his hands on an 18+ rated game"

"Pocket money or he has a sibling who plays the game. Or friend. He could just be a rebellious kid There are many ways" Kagami shrugged, the exhaustion visible on her features.

"Damn, I wish we knew what Hawkmoth's goal is. Mean, it's gotten to the point where he's made them so dangerous that people are dying and getting hurt more"

"He probably doesn't care because of Ladybug's cure" said Chloe

"No, he wants Ladybug's miraculous, so the deaths won't matter to him. I'm sure he even wants to kill Ladybug" said Kagami.

Marinette frowned, "like I'd let that happen. No matter what, we'll keep winning. We've been winning for four years now and we'll continue to. It's clear that he wants Tikki and Plagg to make a wish. And whatever that wish is cannot be good"

"Damn right. I cannot wait to beat his ass along with Mayura. Remember when we fought that weird akuma that shot stink bombs everywhere? That was one of the worst ones in my opinion. Trying to fight, see through green gas and try not to gag at one wasn't fun. If it wasn't for your miraculous cure Mari-Bug, we would have stank for days!" Chloe ranted

Marinette and Kagami chuckled and also shivered at the thought. Stinker was an odd akuma but also tactical. Even though it was just stink bombs he was chucking around, it was still revolting to inhale and difficult to focus because of the smell. Kagami had actually thrown up at one point. It wasn't fun, but they still won in the end.

That battle was three weeks ago.

"Maybe you should throw a stink bomb in his face when we beat him so he knows how we felt" Marinette giggled

"Hmph. Maybe I will" Chloe grinned.

"Yeah. Well enough talk about akumas, let's talk about the sleepover for Sunday. What do your parents think about Kagami?" Marinette asked.

Kagami mentally let out a sigh of relief when her friends seemed to have forgotten about their boy talk before the fight.

"I talked to them after school and they said it was fine to hang out with you guys on Sunday and attend the sleepover. They are rather fond of you so I wasn't too shocked when they said I could"

"That's great Gami. Hopefully Hawkmoth will feel nice enough to not send out an akuma on Sunday. We have a fun day ahead of us and I don't want him to ruin it" said Marinette.

"I have faith that our night together will be akuma free. We just need to manifest it" said Kagami. She held her hands out and the other two girls grinned knowing what to do.

Marinette, Marinette and Kagami all held hands and began to repeat the words, 'Hawkmoth will not ruin our sleepover,' 5 times before bringing their hands into the middle, ending their manifestation with light giggles.

"And with that done, we shall have an akuma free Sunday" Chloe declared.

"Amen!" the two ravenette's said with glee.

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