Chapter 14

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Ever since Felix asked Marinette to make a dress for his mother's birthday, the pair only seemed to grow closer as the days went by. Felix would acknowledge marinette more when the group would sit together and they didn't seem to argue as much. Of course, they still bickered but they knew it was only banter. The prank war had come to an end which was a relief for the teachers.

Felix had just arrived at his usual lunch table where the rest of his friends were already sitting and talking. However, he noticed that a certain ravenette wasn't present.

"Where is Dupain-Cheng?"

Claude shrugged, "I dunno. Maybe she got held up in class or something,"

Felix sat down and was about to bite into his lunch when he heard a familiar laugh in the background. He turned around only to see Marinette walking alongside a boy with red hair. He's pretty sure he's seen him before.

'Who is that boy she is with?' He thought to himself.

"Oh him? I didn't think Marinette was friends with Remi," Allan answered.

'Was I thinking out loud?!'

"He's known for being quite the lady charmer. And for dying his hair every few weeks. Though he's stuck with red for a while now..." said Allan.

"Isn't he in your business class?" Asked Allegra

"I thought I had recognised him. Though I don't pay much attention to my classmates. You know that,"

"Mari has told me about how he's asked her to hang out during lunch a few times now. Seems like she's finally found the time. Good for her," Allegra said, glancing at Felix who was still looking back with a small frown. She couldn't help but giggle as she took a bite of her sandwich.


"So you're single right?" Remi asked

"Yeah, I am. Always have been"

"No way. The first time I saw you I was thinking that you must be taken already. I mean, look at you. You're smart, gorgeous, kind, athletic and so on. I was nervous to approach you,"

Marinette blushed, "really? Well, I'd have thought someone like you would've had a girlfriend already,"

"Yeah I've dated but not so much since I moved here,"

"Where did you live before?" Marinette asked

"Born and raised in Scotland and I lived there till I was about 10 and then we lived in Australia for a year. We lived in Lyon for a few months before moving to Paris. And we've been here ever since My dad is in the Army and my Mum is a midwife.

"Oh wow! It must've been hard having to move from your home country though. Or just moving around in general,"

"Yeah well, Dad says he's got a 10 year contract here anyway. And I'll be 18 before his contract ends so even if he moves I won't have to,"

"Would you want to go back?"

Remi sighed and leaned back in his chair, "yeah it'd be nice to go back to Aberdeen. I'm still in contact with a few of my best mates from there and I see them sometimes during the holidays of possible. Anyway, why don't you tell me a bit more about yourself? I already know that you're into fashion,"

"There's not too much about me to tell to be honest,"

"Oh come on!" Remi chuckled, "I'm sure there's plenty about you,"

"Well, as much as I love fashion, I also like to bake,"

— —

"Wonder what they're talking about. Remi's fangirls don't seem too happy that they're even sat together," Claude said as he sent a curious glance towards a group of girls sitting at the table next to Remi and Marinette. It was clear that they were glaring daggers at the ravenette.

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