Chapter 26

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"And you are totally sure about this?" Marinette asked the cat kwami.

Plagg nodded, "Totally sure. I've pondered for a while and I'm confident in my decision,"

Marinette nodded, "ok. Well, I can't deny how you feel and it seems like a really good voice to me actually. Unexpected but I can totally see it,"

Plagg grinned, "nice!"

Marinette sighed, "This is going to be a very interesting conversation," she said as she got up from her bed and out of her door quietly. Plagg and Tikki were hidden in her pyjama pockets.

She walked to her neighbour's door and pressed her ear against the door since she couldn't see if the light was on. She could hear chatter, one voice in particular quite familiar. She knocked anyway and it only took a few seconds for the door to be opened.

"Oh, hey shortcake what's up?"

"Hey Claude, can we talk? If you're free that is," Marinette asked.

"Uhh..." Claude looked back at his desk where his computer was causing marinette to also take a peek. Her eyes widened.

"Is that... is that Chloe you're talking to?" she almost yelled.

"Shoot, uh, one sec!" he went back into his room and shut the door, leaving Marinette confused.

A minute went by and Claude came back to the door and pulled marinette into his room.

The girl folded her arms and gave the brunette a questioning look.

"Soooo..." Claude started, "What did you wanna chat to me about?"

"Hold on, that was Chloe you were talking to right?" Marinette said, already knowing that was the case.

Claude ran a hand through his hair, "Yes," he admitted. "We may have been talking to each other for some time.

"Oh, I see," Marinette chuckled, "that explains the lack of flirty behaviour!"

"You... You aren't upset?"

"Why would I be upset? If you and Chloe want to keep your relationship a secret then who am I to judge? Although it would've been nice to know, I'm sure you guys had your reasons,"

"Well, we're not actually together. We're just... seeing how things go right now," Claude said as he blushed a little.

"Awww!" Marinette cooed, "That's adorable,"

"Yes, yes, I am pretty adorable aren't I,"

Marinette playfully rolled her eyes, "of course,"

"Anyway, what did you need to talk to me about? And what's with the book?" Claude asked when he noticed the thick, old-looking book,"

"You actually may want to sit down for this. It's gonna be pretty interesting, but what I'm about to tell you must not leave this room. Got it?"

Claude chuckled nervously, "Should... should I be worried?"

Marinette shook her head, "No, it's nothing bad. But it is something serious,"

"Right," Claude said as he sat on the edge of his bed. Marinette sat next to him, placing the book on the side.

"You're a fan of the miraculous heroes in this country right?"

Claude nodded enthusiastically, "Heck yeah I am! Used to be a fan of Chat Noir until I found out how he was behaving before he eventually got his miraculous taken away. But Ladybug, Ryuko and Honey Bee are amazing heroines. I even said the other day when we were watching the fight where they were fighting that Minotaur akuma that I could see myself in battle with them. It would be so cool!"

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