Chapter 29

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The football match had ended with a resounding victory for Collège Sévigné, and the school grounds were alive with jubilant cheers and applause. Fans from both sides filled the air with their enthusiasm, and the victorious team, led by their captain Remi, was surrounded by a throng of supporters.

Marinette, Felix, and Allegra made their way through the excited crowd to congratulate Claude and Allan, who had played pivotal roles in securing the win.

Claude and Allan flushed with the excitement of the win, were surrounded by well-wishers and teammates. Marinette, her face radiant with pride, hugged Claude tightly. "You were amazing out there, Claude! That winning goal was incredible!"

Claude grinned, his eyes gleaming. "Thanks, Shortcake. It was a team effort, but I'm glad I could score for us,"

Marinette also gave Allan a congratulatory hug, "You did great too Allan. You're a very powerful striker,"

Allan chuckled, "Thanks mari. I try. Glad we won though. Those guys aren't an easy team,"

Allegra joined in, offering her congratulations as well. "You both were fantastic! The whole team played exceptionally well."

As they continued to chat, Marinette excused herself, a glint of curiosity in her eyes. "I'll be right back, guys. I want to go talk to Remi and congratulate him too."

Marinette approached Remi, who was talking to some of his teammates. She tapped him on the shoulder, and he turned to her with a bright smile. They engaged in a lively conversation, Marinette animatedly describing the highlights of the game. Remi listened attentively, his eyes focused on her as if she were the only person in the world.

Felix watched her go, his gaze following her as she made her way through the crowd towards the red-haired boy. His heart clenched with a mixture of emotions, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy despite knowing that Marinette was just being friendly. He turned his attention back to Allan and Claude, trying to hide his discomfort.

Allan, who had a mischievous glint in his eye, nudged Claude and nodded subtly in Felix's direction. Claude smirked and played along, pretending to be completely oblivious to Felix's internal struggle.

"So, Felix," Allan began, feigning innocence, "how do you think Marinette and Remi are getting along over there?"

Felix's eyes narrowed at the teasing tone in Allan's voice. "They are just talking, Allan. What's there to think about?"

Claude chimed in, his tone equally playful. "Oh, come on, Felix. You can't deny that Remi seems pretty interested in her."

Felix's jaw tightened as he clenched his fists. He knew his friends were just teasing him, but it didn't make the situation any less uncomfortable. He decided to play it cool, masking his feelings behind a nonchalant façade. "I don't see what's so interesting about it. Marinette can talk to whoever she wants."

Allan and Claude exchanged knowing glances, barely suppressing their laughter. Felix's reluctance to admit his true feelings for Marinette had become something of an inside joke among their friends.

"It's normal to feel jealous when your crush is talking to your love rival," Allegra smirked

"Love ri– he is no love rival!"

"Ah, so you're confident that you'll win mari over yeah?" Allan asked.

Felix let out a frustrated huff, "you two are incredibly annoying,"

"Didn't you only come to the game because Marinette was coming?" Claude asked with a fake thinking expression, "After all, you never come to any games apart from basketball,"

"They're not wrong about that," Allegra chuckled.

Felix gave the brunette a weak glare, "You are talking nonsense. You two wanted support so I came,"

Allan laughed, "Bro, we've asked you to come to football games in the past and you never bothered to come 'cause it wasn't your thing which we respected. But it seems lille ascertain girl made you come,"

Felix rolled his eyes and didn't bother replying. His friends were not totally wrong. He had no intention of coming to the football game because he didn't care for the sport. But hearing that Marinette would be going... she also mentioned his name when she was talking to Remi after business class was over so he kind of felt obligated at that point.

Felix watched as Marinette and Remi laughed together, his heart heavy with regret. He knew that he couldn't keep his feelings hidden forever, but the fear of rejection held him back. As the celebration continued around them, he made a silent promise to himself that he would find the courage to tell Marinette how he felt, even if it meant risking their friendship.

Meanwhile, Marinette had a friendly conversation with Remi, congratulating him on the team's victory and sharing a few laughs. She was entirely unaware of Felix's watchful gaze.

After a short while, she excused herself from Remi's company and made her way back to where Claude, Allan, Allegra, and Felix were standing. As she rejoined the group, Felix couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and tension as he met her gaze. He desperately wanted to ask her about her conversation with Remi, but he knew it wasn't the right time, not with everyone around.

Marinette, sensing a change in the atmosphere, smiled warmly at her friends. "What did I miss?"

Claude exchanged a subtle glance with Allan, both wearing amused expressions, but they decided to keep Felix's inner turmoil to themselves for now. Claude answered Marinette with a chuckle, "Nothing much, just Felix being his usual charming self."

Felix shot him a look that clearly said, 'Don't start,' and everyone laughed, allowing the joy of the victory to take over once again.

"Hey, guys, why don't we grab some food to celebrate? I'm starving." Claude suggested.

"Yeah, I could eat after running around for over an hour,"

"Hmm, the gates won't be locked for another two hours. We should maybe go and buy food and then bring it back," said Marinette.

Claude nodded, "good shout. I'm kinda craving Chinese,"

"Yeah, I could go for a Chinese. You guys up for it?" Allan asked.

Marinette, Felix and Allegra didn't mind. Allan and Claude went to quickly go and freshen up before they left.

Allan and Claude headed off to freshen up, leaving Felix, Allegra, and Marinette alone for a moment.

Allegra couldn't resist a sly smile as she leaned towards Marinette. "You know, Marinette, Remi seems like a nice guy. You two looked quite friendly just now."

Marinette blinked in surprise, not catching the underlying message behind Allegra's words. "Oh, yeah, he's always been so kind to me since I joined. Really easy to get along with and all."

Felix, overhearing their conversation, managed to mask his unease with a nonchalant expression. Though his annoyance was evident in his eyes if you looked close enough.

Allegra exchanged a knowing glance with Felix before deciding to steer the conversation back to safer territory. She links her arms with Marinette and grins, "Alright, let's not keep Allan and Claude waiting. Chinese food awaits us, my friends!"

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