Chapter 18

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"Wait wait wait. This is hilarious!"

Felix had decided to call Claude to ask him for help. But he didn't seem to be giving him any straight answers like he hoped he would.

His eye twitched at Claude's boyish laugh. 

"Claudio Javier Hart I swear I will hang up on you and seek help from someone else instead,"

"Ok, Ok! Damn, you must be stressing if you're using my full government name like that  You really can't figure out what's up with you? You're like the smartest person I know!"

"I am being serious. Would I have bothered calling you if I did?"

Claude chuckled, "No I guess not. then again you've never felt this way for anyone. But I'm just... shocked. I didn't think you'd fall for shortcake. Not that I blame you, she's an absolute catch!"


"You say that your heart beats quicker and you feel warm around her often. You feel somewhat tense around her, you consider her opinion on things and she's on your mind so much that it's distracting at times yes?"

"I believe that's what I said if you were listening clearly," Felix deadpanned, "again, should I hang up on you?"

"No! I'm just trying to break things down for you,"

"Right. Carry on then,"

"You've felt like this more than once I'm guessing. You thought it was fear?" Claude let out a little snort, "That's definitely not the case. You have a crush on her Fe,"


"A... a crush? I have on Marinette?" Felix said under his breath. He was in disbelief.

"Wow, you call her by her first name now too?"

"We were just talking about this too..."

"Wait... is she at your place right now!?"

"Yes she is," Felix replied.

"Oh, this is brilliant! Hold on, I'll have to call you back later. Think about what I said,"

And with that, Claude hung up, leaving the blonde in his thoughts.

Felix shook his head and walked back to the living room to check on the girls. They were still asleep. Felix looked at the biracial girl who had a small smile on her face as she slept.

The appeal was pathetic. Sure she had some positive attributes but he could say the same thing of a kitten or a dear. Big eyes being a common feature.

If you asked anyone their thoughts on the girl, they would mention her smile and hair but fail to notice how her nose did this little scrunch that spread to the rest of her features when she didn't like something. Fair, blemish free skin, dotted with freckles she had natural features that many would deem attractive. Plump lips that she usually glossed, thick lashes, large blue captivating eyes and a nice, fit figure that's more noticeable when she's out of her school uniform. At first glance, she was anyone's 'ideal girl' but Felix knew better.

She could be pushy and overly emotional if you knew the right buttons to push and her creativity was on a whole other level. He had once used the word resilient to describe her, irrepressible was more accurate. Like a bug. Never asking for the spotlight, it was shined on her anyways. Her blushes at people's praise show how translucent the thin film of her skin really was, it shows her discomfort with receiving attention.

Picture perfect on paper. A whirlwind of a mess in reality.

She would go out of her way to be friendly to everyone. No matter how annoying or boring they were. She was loved by everyone the moment she joined and interacted with the other students.

But they all thought they were her friends just because she was nice. That wasn't the case.

They didn't know how Insecure and anxious she was and the walls she built around herself. It's like she doesn't know how to talk about herself without thinking she's being an 'attention whore.' It would only make sense to know why she feels like this if you knew how her old school treated her.

He had to admit she had a nice laugh, the way it just bursts out high and sweet. As he said, picture perfect. Great laugh and horrible jokes. No one else understands that under her carefully crafted mask is a person so desperate for someone to just tell her 'You're worth more than what they say,' she acts all confident but in reality she's drowning. And part of that is thanks to her classmates who turned on her so quickly for the silver-coated tongue of a liar.

Her pleasant grin is bothersome. The way her naturally rosy cheeks lift as her lips spread, ready to flash a toothy grin to anyone that may need it, brightening anyone's mood. He is frequently perplexed by her selflessness and joy. He would correct her, ridicule her and not even five minutes later, she would be grinning.

Her eyes are too when she smirks. They become a brilliant light show in their own right. Dark blue with intricate lighter hues decorating the irises. He knows that part of her well, spending so much time glaring at them. Those thick eyelashes framing them, not much makeup, if any.

She's conventionally beautiful but in an effortless way. Even if she had to sprint to a class that she was late to, she still looks good.

She's quite annoying. When she does this little grumble or groan when she gets mad at him, her eyebrows will scrunch. When Marinette's exasperated with him her voice would go into this high whine, as she sputters at an absolute loss while he smirks at her. She doesn't do it often but it's the funniest thing when you notice the way her eyes overdramatically open, her jaw dropping as her shoulders go slack. Almost hanging as her brain catches up with her eyes and ears. And the way her eye twitched, he'd annoy her just to see it.

She walked with a certain grace you couldn't teach, a kindness radiating off her. It was no wonder she was so beloved, the other boys like Remi were like moths to a flame. Fawning over her, daydreaming about her like lovesick foo-


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