Chapter 4

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To say that Adrien was bored would be an understatement. He was currently sat on one of the stools waiting for his break to be over so that the last shoot of the day would be over.

He was tired of Lila's constant yapping.

In fact, he'd actually have to wait until his cousin arrived. The two were meant to do a shoot together. To be honest, he was shocked that Felix even agreed, but he bet that his mother convinced him to or something. Either way, modelling with his cousin was a much better option than Lila. He wasn't even sure why she was still here. She was done for the day and she was busy telling one of the make up artists about how if it wasn't for getting arthritis in her leg, she would have been able to keep the MJ role instead of Zendaya.

The makeup artist seemed to struggle at keeping a straight face at her words. Clearly her lies didn't work on everyone. Some lies were dumber than the next. But Adrien's friends really seemed to buy into them. As long as none of them are hurt, it's not so bad. He's sure that they'll realise soon enough anyway.

He still felt pretty bad for the makeup artist though. He's been in that position himself one to many ties while she latches herself onto him arm.

He shivers at the thought. He'd prefer if she doesn't do that but she does anyway. The perfume she wears is either too strong or she puts way too much on. He never says anything though. As long as she is happy and not at risk of getting akumatized, then all is well.

That's why he's excited to talk to Marinette at school tomorrow so that everything can finally be resolved. He's been mulling over his feelings for the French-Asian girl a lot more since he thought about talking to her tomorrow. He realized that after all the time he went to her balcony as Chat Noir, he was falling for her. When Ladybug took his miraculous away from him, it finally sunk in that Ladybug was never going to love him. He'll never forget the look of disappointment and annoyance on her face before Ryuko came out of nowhere and knocked him out because he was refusing to give it up.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the familiar click-clack of Nathalie's shoes coming over to him.

"Adrien, the final shoot has had to be postponed for next week. Vincent has had to leave because his wife is about to go into labour." She explained.

Adrien felt relieved, "oh, ok that's fine. I'll be meeting up with my friends earlier than planned then"

Nathalie nodded, "your father wants you home no later than six. He's giving you extra time because he has a few meetings today" said Nathalie before she walked over to Lila to tell her the same thing about the shoot being postponed.

'When is father never busy?' Adrien mused. He was grateful though. His father was letting him come home an hour later than his usual curfew. His father must be having a good day. That's the only explanation. Even meetings shouldn't usually have an impact on his curfew.

Either way, he can now spend more time at that fare that recently came to town with Nino and Alya. Lila would be coming too of course. Alya arranged this to be a 'double date' thing.

A few minutes later, Lila and Adrien left the crew to pack up while they made their way to meet their friends who said that they would wait for them at the gate of the fare.

"I cannot believe we have to wait until next week!" Lila whined

"Well, it's not Vincent's fault Lila. It's not like he or his wife can control when a baby is about to come."

Lila pouted and shook her head, "Whatever. Are you excited to have fun? We should totally take a bunch of cute photos at those photo booths together!"

Adrien strained a smile, "yeah sure."

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