Chapter 21

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Hey guys, big update cause I feel bad for leaving you guys on another cliffhanger for so long.

For the sake of the plot, Marinette hasn't got much knowledge about coffee. (I don't even know or remember if she does in the actual show anyways lol)

Anyways, Enjoy!


Felix felt silly. He was waiting at his locker with was only a few steps away from Marinette's who was also by her locker but she was currently talking to Remi.

He unconsciously gripped on to the book in his hands staring in their direction. He heard marinette let out a joyous laugh at something that Remi said and she playfully hit his arm.

"Glare any harder and his head may just explode,"

Felix turned swiftly almost hitting Claude with his bag. He didn't realise how intensely he was staring at them until Claude said anything.

"Why don't you just go up to her,"

"She is in the middle of a conversation. It would be rude to interrupt," Felix said as he put his book in the locker.

Claude shrugged, "Remi will live. That way, you can finally ask her out on a date,"

Felix rolled his eyes, "what makes you think that that's my intention right now? Besides, Marinette has not even shown any romantic interest in me so why would I bother?"

"You never know if you don't. What if she has a crush on you too?"

"Don't be silly Claude. She has a line of men waiting to date her,"

"And you're one of them who has a higher chance than anyone else. Don't sell yourself short Felix. You and Shortcake would totally-"

"Hey, guys!" Marinette interrupted. The two boys hadn't; noticed her come over.

"Hey, shortcake! How've ya been?"

"Maths was a bit draining. But I'm glad I caught up to you," Marinette said, looking at Felix.

Felix pointed to himself, "Me?"

"Yes you," Marinette chuckled, "just wanted to ask you something,"

Claude looked between the two, "Want me to leave you two alone or..."

Marinette shook her head, "No no it's nothing major. I um... kinda wanted to ask you, Felix, if you would like to go out for coffee with me,"

Felix's mouth hung open ever so slightly before he slowly replied, "You want to take me out for coffee? Today?''

"Y-yeah. If you're available or even want to that is," Marinette said, feeling shy all of a sudden.

Claude lightly and discreetly kicked his foot against Felix's.

Felix got the message. He was telling him to say yes.

"Uh, sure. I will be free to go at half four,"


Marinette left the two boys to go wherever she was going to, leaving them both stunned.

"Well then... I guess you don't have to ask her out after all,"

Felix shook himself from his stupor, "she didn't ask me out on a date Claude,"

"But you're both going out for coffee. Together. Alone. It's a first step. Treat it like a little date," said Claude.

Felix sighed, "And how am I meant to do that?"

"You gotta relax. Free yourself a little bit. She'll like that. You don't have to open up to her about your whole life but if you treat this as if It were a date, you'll be prepared for when you ask her on a real date. Trust me,"

"I wonder why she asked me out for coffee,"

"Maybe Shortcake had the same plan as you. She just beat you to it. Now then, let's discuss how you're gonna play this out,"


Her outfit consisted of a cream short-sleeved turtleneck, tucked in her black skirt that reached mid-thigh. Black tights, as well as black boots. A simple silver bracelet on one wrist, her watch on the other. She wondered about her outfit choice, nothing too fancy, but cute. Exactly right for a coffee da-

"Snap out of it Mari, it's not a date," she chastised herself as she looked at herself in the mirror. She sighed and began brushing her hair. She tied her hair up in a bun using a baby pink scrunchie.

"It can be a date if you want it to be Mari," said Tikki said as she flew over and put a hairlip in Marinette's hair.

"Thanks, Tikki. I can't just make it a date. It's not like Felix would want that anyway,"

"How do you know?" The red kwami asked.

"Because I know him. He isn't interested in dating at the moment and even if he was, I'm not sure if I'm his type,"

"You'll never know if you don't ask him,"

"Let's say he does like me then right? He would tell me. he's a very honest person. I have been let down enough times when it comes to things like this. I'm not sure how I'd handle rejection from Felix which is why I don't think I could ever bring myself to tell him unless he were to say something first. I've seen and heard how he rejects girls that have tried it with him,"

"But those are girls he doesn't know or likes. If he did reject your affection, I'm sure he'd be nice about it. You are his friend at the moment after all"

Marinette let out a thoughtful hum, "I'm still not going to get my hopes up. I'm just going to enjoy this little coffee outing,"

Just as Marinette was ready, her alarm went off letting her know that she should go and knock on Felix's door to let him know that she was ready to go. Marinette opened her door, ready to go across to Felix's door only to find him standing at her door looking like he was about to knock. He was wearing a white shirt with a grey Armani jumper, black chinos and black loafers. It's the most casual she's seen him dressed and he looks good as usual.

Felix realised he was staring and cleared his throat, also shaking Marinette from her trance.

"I see you are ready to go. You look nice," Felix said. Nice was an understatement in his opinion but he doesn't want to say anything more at the moment. Not till he sees some kind of sign that it will be reciprocated positively.

"Thank you, Felix. You look nice too," Marinette responded as she stepped out of her room and shut the door.

The pair walked side by side out of the school building.

"Did you already plan where we're going?" Felix asked.

"Well... don't tease me but I actually had to look up the coffee places around the area. I chose Starbucks cause I've heard it really good but I've never been,"

Felix looked at her, eyebrows raised slightly shocked, "really?"

Marinette nodded, "I've never had much of a reason to go out and buy coffee when we have so much of it in the bakery. And whenever I have had coffee outside of the house, I don't buy it myself. At the bakery, my go-to was an Americano with milk. I never go for anything else,"

"Well, I guess today you shall try something new. And Starbucks is a perfect choice,"

"I sure hope so,"

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