Chapter 10

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"You know, sometimes you're impossible," Marinette declared, stomping off and down the street, an angry pout on her lips, "actually I take that back, it's all the time!"

Behind her, Felix pursued, growling, "I'm the impossible one?! I greatly beg to differ! You, you are an angry small child who has this stupid need to mess up everything!"

"I am not that small!" she snapped.

"You can barely reach the middle of any of the doors in this building!"

"Shut up!" she huffed, turning and stomping off again, "and I didn't mess up anything! You started it!"

"Me?! You're the one who felt the need to pour water on me!"

"You're the one who flicked water at me first!"

"You were dozing off! I'm not going to have you slack off and let me do everything correctly!"

"You could've tapped me on the shoulder or something!"

The two teenagers had just left the classroom as they were sent out to change from their wet clothes after having to clean up their mess.

Flashback: 20 minutes ago in Chemistry class

"It is meant to be 10mls of  sterile water in each beaker, not 15mls of tap water Dupain-Cheng,"

Marinette sighed, "Does it really matter?" she asked. She was still rather tired from yesterday and didn't really read through the instructions for the experiment properly.

"Yes, it matters! Can you not follow a simple instruction?"

"Well, then why don't you get the water then?" Marinette grumbled.

"I'm dealing with the chemicals and you can't do something as simple as getting water?"

When Marinette didn't respond, Felix noticed the girl had her head resting on her palm and she was dozing off. Again! What great luck he had! He wasn't just gonna let her slack off though. Felix took some of the water from one of the beakers and flicked it in Marinette's face which startled her.

"What is wrong with you?!"

"Well maybe if you weren't falling asleep I wouldn't need to have- ack!"

Marinette didn't let him finish his sentence as she chucked water on the taller teenager's face and hair.

"Oh no you didn't," Felix grabbed another beaker and dumped it on top of Marinette.

Marinette was defiantly more awake than she was just a minute ago"You little-"

"Marinette! Felix! what on earth are you two doing?"

"She/he started it!" They both replied, pointing and glaring at each other.

Their teacher just sighed, "Clean up your mess and go and change. You guys will come back and clean up the lab equipment as punishment,"

"But-" marinette wanted to protest but Mr Laurent wasn't having it.

"Look, you're lucky I'm not sending you to the headmistress's office. Now get to it,"

Flashback End

"This is your fault!"

Marinette just huffed and continued to walk. Deep down she knew that she overreacted first but was she going to admit that to the insufferable giant walking behind her? Absolutely not!

When they made it to their block, Claude had just walked out of his room ready to go to his next lesson when he noticed Marinette and Felix storming over in the wet uniforms.

"Whoa, what happened to you two?"


And the two of them walked into their rooms, slamming their doors at the same time leaving a confused brunette in the corridor.

"Well... alrighty then,"


"You are very stubborn y'know," Chloe groaned.

Adrien and Lila were bothering her again while she just wanted to eat in peace. She has no clue why she decided to stay in school for lunch.

"But why can't you tell me what school she goes to now?"

"Why is it any of your business Agreste?"

"I just-"

"I don't care," Chloe cut him off, "No means no. Something you've never understood,"

Adrien stepped back with a hurt look. With a dejected sigh, he walked away, leaving Lila alone with Chloe.

"Chloe we just wanna make sure Marinette isn't going somewhere that will worsen her behaviour," Lila said with fake concern.

"Gosh, Mari really lives rent-free in your head. Get. A. Life!" Chloe got up and picked up her bag and walks up close to Lila, "Marinette is safe as long as she's not around you, Adrien or your sheep. But be wary Lila...your reign and hold you have over others won't last,"

Lila smirked at Chloe, "You think I'm done with her?" Chloe quirked a brow and Lila continued, "You think that her moving schools is enough? I may not know where she is right now but trust me when I say that I've had bigger obstacles in the past,"

Chloe stepped back from the Italian with a disgusted look, "what the hell are you on about?"

"I will stop at nothing to get the life I desire. I'm getting close and I won't let anyone get in my way,"

"I don't think you know who you're messing with Lila," Chloe warned.

"Ha! Should I be scared of Maribrat? Be serious Chloe. I have the whole class, teacher and headmaster wrapped around my finger. It's my word against anyone else's. I have more power than you can imagine,"

Chloe was getting very strange vibes from Lila. Not because she's a liar and just a bad person in general, it was something else about the Italian. The way Lila talked and that dark look in her eyes made Chloe up her guard even more.

"Have a great rest of your lunch Chloe!," Lila beamed with a bright smile and hugged Chloe before skipping back to her loyal herd of sheep.

"Yuck!" Chloe shivered, "now I've got to go home and shower,"

"Really my queen?" Pollen asked from Chloe's pocket.

"Yes," Chloe huffed as she made her way out of the building, "I don't wanna be infected with Lilaitis,"

A few hours later...

Felix was glad he had no more lessons today. It meant he could go to his room without any disturbances from anyone

He went into the mini kitchen to make himself a very needed hot black sugarless coffee. he deserved it after the morning that he's had with a certain woman. As he was waiting for the water to boil in the kettle, he went to sit at the table and noticed a book that was left there. Open. 

'Hmm... I recognise this sketchbook" he thought to himself as he picked it up. He then noticed that there were rough sketches of clothing on the open pages.

"It's Dupain-Cheng's" he muttered, looking at the pink book curiously.

He was about to put it down and ignore it but then he was curious to see what else she drew in her book. He'd seen glimpses already so a page or two wouldn't hurt right? was already open and he had ages till anyone came back to their rooms.

What could go wrong?

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