Chapter 32

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Daniel received the letter. He wanted to stay calm for the first few days, but he couldn't finally after a long struggle of leaving everything in Darla's hand he couldn't take it anymore.

He ran to Manik's room immediately.

Daniel: Brother, I want to go to India" His face was quite confident and anxious at the same time. Manik observed it and without a second word---

Manik: You can

Daniel: Thank you, He said respectfully and turned back to leave.

Manik: And--

Daniel: Huh?

Manik: Show them what is it like to take something that belongs to the dragon clan, too.

He said, taking a sip of his whiskey

Daniel: --

Manik: What are you looking at? Get out.

Daniel chuckled as he left the room. He called Kisow, who is working as a head guard.

Daniel: I need to go to India, so get everything ready. Also, find where Darla's being kept on hold.

He went to his room and packed everything needed. And lastly, all her letters were inside his bag, and walked outside.

Manik is rich. So rich that he has his own flight.

Everything was ready, and he started his journey to India. The main mansion of the Dragon clan was in Mumbai, so he landed there first. He was anxiously waiting for Kisow to tell him about Darla's whereabouts.

The last letter he got from Darla was a week ago, and he hasn't heard anything from her since then. He was worried that something might've happened to her.

Kisow: Boss, we found where she is ...

Daniel: Tell me quickly, dammit!

Kisow: Y...yes, Darla was born in Andhra Pradesh in her grandmother's house. So her father sent her to her grandmother's house. I already sent you the route map. Would you like to take the guards with you, sir?

Daniel: I am going alone.

[I remember Darla once saying that she loves her grandmother very much because after she was born she was left with her grandmother for many years. She used to miss her mom, but they didn't care much about her. That place has a lot of memories, but it was like a place of torture for her. I should help her.] Daniel thought as he took a 2-hour flight to her place.

He took the car that was made ready by Kisow and started driving on his own to her house, which is around a 40-minute journey from there.

Daniel: I am coming, Darla.


He reached the place and saw Darla in her wedding dress in her wedding. Darla was struggling to let her free, but she was caught by her father hardly.

Darla: You think I will marry him just because you are forcing me like this? I would rather die than marry someone other than my Danny.

Darla's father: Just shut up" He said and slapped her hard.

Daniel because furious looking at that.


His gruff voice sounds as if he was ready to murder Darla's father now scared everyone enough to look at him.

Darla's sad face became lit as she saw Daniel.

Darla: Danny darling

She quickly waved her hand happily.

Daniel: Take your hands off her

He said, angrily looking at her father while walking towards them.

Darla's father: She is MY daughter and I can do anything to her.

Daniel: I would have killed you the moment I saw you hit her face but as you ARE her father, I am asking... LET HER GO. Don't make me repeat it twice.

Daniel is furious, and Darla was chuckling hard as she saw him like that. She is happy and finds him so cool and cute at the same time.

Darla: Let me go quickly, father. My Danny is getting angry

Darla's father: You---

Daniel: Hey you, do I need to spell it out for you individually that I will kill you if I saw you sitting in the same place for the next minute? He glared at the groom, who was also madly in love with Darla.

But he valued his life more than his love, and he quickly ran away from there.

Darla's father: Come back, you idiot

Darla: He definitely is a good match father. If I ever get in trouble in the future. Sure, he would've saved me

Darla's father: IS that all funny to you? You ruined my reputation

Darla: And what about you? Reputation! Am I all that? Did you ever care what I like and whom I like? At least when I am sad or when I am happy? I like you father, but I choose my happiness over yours, just as how you choose your reputation over me.

Darla's father: I am not letting you go... He screamed.

Daniel: Too late. He spoke as he pushed him back a little and moved his hand front to Darla.

She placed her hand in his with a bright smile.

Darla: You came my Danny. Should I give you a kiss?

Daniel's face flushed.

Darla: Sooooo cute. That was a direct strike to my heart.

Darla's father: I won't let you ruin the reputation I formed with all my life. I will not. He said, taking a small dagger out.

You like him, right? I will kill him with my own hands, and then you have no choice but to listen to me, right?

Daniel: Wow, he has gone insane. Step back Darla

He spoke and held her hand and pulled her towards his back.

Darla's father: I knew I can't kill you just by myself, so I formed an alliance with the monkey clan by selling all your business secrets I know.

Daniel glared at him.

Darla's father: They will be here soon, so get ready to die.

His eyes were filled with hatred.

As soon as he said that, numerous Monkey clan people arrived. Daniel came alone. They outnumbered him.

Darla: Danny... Her hands trembled a little.

Daniel got ready to fight, but Darla held his shirt tightly from the back.

Darla: Let's run, Danny. I am afraid. I don't want you to get hurt.

He saw the fear in her eyes. He didn't want to scare her, so he held her run as he started a run.

Daniel: Between, I forgot to tell you how beautiful you look in this saree

He spoke while running. 

Darla: You like it? Hmm...maybe we should have our first time when I am dressed like this. 

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