chapter 14

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Nandini stood infront of the mirror adjusting her hair while a small knock is heard on her door
She turned back while a small smile is formed on her blossom lips ..

Nandini: he is here ..she said to herself slowly while trying to control her smile and excitement ..

This is the first time ever she is having a different feeling on a person ..
She is excited and a little confused ..

She stood up and saw herself completely in the mirror once again ..
She have a slight touch of makeup and a new hairstyle with a pretty knee length red simple designer frock ..

She smiled as she checked herself
She walked to the door and opened it and slowly kept her head out ..
And Daniel is standing infront of her room seeing her with a smile

Daniel : let's go ..he wispered ..

Nandini working as a part timer is going smoothly all days with Daniel by her side everyday ..
It's like she is having her own private time with that person ..

Is it like ..? " A question sounded inside her ..
She is liking every minute she is spending with him ..

Everyday a new happiness keeping aside the works she is doing ..

She worked as a dishwasher , laundry person , gardener and even as a maid once ..
She can't say she is fully happy but she is not sad or disgraced by the work ..

"Every work have it's own value and pride " is what she think ..

But after completion of every work ,she have a suprise waiting for her from Daniel side

Her favourite food , a phone call to her sister , walk around the park ..

Working hard to make her own living and supporting her sister working on house maintenance and also the hard life living single as a women in the society it was hard for her ..

So having someone she like is something she can never imagine ..
But there is something with Daniel that she is attracted too..

Nandini pov ,

Someone making something for me just for me ..
Keeping efforts to make me happy is truly exciting me ..
Do I like him ?

I love the time I spend with him ..
Can I like him ? it okay ? ..

Daniel : where do you want to work today ? ..he asked me Suddenly which made me come out of my thoughts ..

Right ? ..I am walking on road I should stop thinking about things ..
It will cause a danger ..
Wait ....I think I truly became a doctor ..
I am thinking about safety ..

Daniel : nandini ..he asked suddenly keeping his face infront of her face ..
There is not much distance left ..

Her heart beat started incresing ..

Daniel : are you okay ? ..he asked still not moving ..
I awkwardly nodded my head

He gave a smile to me ..
And I felt a little pain in my chest.

Is my heart too happy ..
This is more dangerous than walking on road being spaced out ..

Daniel : I don't understand what work you should do today...he said looking all sides ..

He is attractive ..I thought and was smiling looking at him without even knowing

'are you mad ..are you mad why are you smiling at him like a crazy patient ..
Relax nandu ..relax ..' ..she is telling herself again and again ..

"I know you can't relax my heart but still stay calm I am trying to concentrate"un-ex-pec-tedly..I think I said it out loud ..
She thought and closed her lips cupping with her hands ..
And Daniel was looking at her with all confused look on his face ..

Daniel : are you really alright ? ..he asked and I nodded with a very worst face expression I can ever keep ..

Does liking someone reduces our IQ ..

But I think my face feels hot ..
Is it because of him ..

Wait why am I seeing 2 Daniels ..

I think my head..

Author pov,

Nandini fainted suddenly and Daniel with a worried and fear look on his face sat down ..
And took ker in his lap ..

Daniel : nandini ..he shouted and she is still mumbling something ..

He kept his hand on her face ..
And it's hot ..

Daniel : oh no she have a fever ..he said and took her on his back ..

He started running to house ..


He reached home ..
He kicked the main door and ran inside ..
And manik woke up for the sound...

He cane outside and saw Daniel running inside with nandini on his back ..

Manik: what's going on here ? ..he shouted..

Daniel saw him and took his phone from his pant pocket immediately abd threw it on manik ..

Daniel : call doctor she have a fever brother ..he said and took her to her room ..

And placed her on her bed slowly ..
She is sweating on her forehead ..

He took his kercheif and wiped it off ..
While manik came inside the room ..

Manik: he is on his way ..he said and threw his mobile back to him ..
By the way what are you two doing together at this hour and ..he saw her lying on bed. ..why is she so dressed ..he asked and that's when Daniel observed nandini dressed more than usual ..
But that's not the time to worry about that ..

Daniel : I am sorry boss ..she wanted to work and I helped her ..he said keeping his head down

And there was a silence across the room ..

Daniel raised his face to see manik ..
And his sharp eyes are looking at him ..
Daniel can't say if he is angry or anything else ..
He is just so afraid ..

Manik: did you just say that you both are cheating me behind my back ..I told her that she is not working outside and you ..he said and walked a step towards him and he took a step back in fear ..
You helped her ? ..even though I denied ..he asked so angrily ..

Daniel : I am really sorry and I will take punishment but now she have a high fever and we have to look after her ..he said not looking at him ..

Manik: very well ..and I think you know , what's the punishment for denying me ? ..get out ..he said and Daniel left the room ..
He went and sat beside nandini ..on bed

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