Chapter 49

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Apparently, as the mage said he started his experiment. He began his work on the portion to develop it more accurately. Nandini's blood was only left to add to the portion as a last step. 

While mixing the portion... 

Mage: Nize, bring nandini... 

Nize: Master! how about taking her blood secretly... 

Mage: Did I ask for your opinion? 

Nize: But master? 

Mage: Do I have to repeat myself? 

Nize: No master... 

Nize walked to Nandini's room and knocked on her door. Nandini opened the door quickly assuming it might be her father. Nize saw a disappointment on her face as soon as she saw her. 

Nize: Master is calling for you. 

Nandini: Really? 

She ran immediately dow to the ground floor and searched all rooms and finally reached his magic room and saw him sitting on a chair near the window with a book in his hands looking so beautiful. 

Nandini: Father... 

As soon as he heard her voice he raised his eyelids to look at her and shut his book looking at her and got up from his chair. 

Sit down he said and snapped his fingers and a chair appeared in front of her. 

She sat down and the chair moved to the middle of the room before Nize could enter the room's door was shut. 

Nandini was curiously looking at all sides of the room while the mage opened a small box on the shelf in the right corner of the room. The box contained a small dagger with a unique sun design on the blade. The handle is made with a rare wood called MULA wood found in the deep forest of the LINGE forest. 

LINGE forest is also called the mage forest. It is the birthplace of the mages. One has to die once to be born as a mage. Linge forest, the motherland of all the mages has the power to hold them to the ground when their ashes rest to make a new mage out of the tree's MULA roots. 

The mages are not born from a human. They are born from emptyness making their souls empty too. 

They never felt pain or emotion. In their lives, a mage has to find a mule for himself/ herself who has the power to extend their lives and powers according to a secret mage book found with the mage head in the LInge forest. 

The dagger made of MULA roots has a special power to recognize the blood of each mule of the maze so it can be easy to find them. 

Even after looking for 1000's of years the mage found none...and that is when Nandini's grandfather came to him. He saw his future in the eyes of their family. The mage found out that he was the one who had to help in making his mule be born. 

After his years of waiting he finally awaited for this day. He looked at Nandini with the dagger 

Nandini: Father? 

Mage: Show me your hand 

Nandini: What are you doing father? 

Mage: Hand...

Nandini: Father, don't do this 

He forcefully pulled her hand which she gripped so hard on her back hiding them and placed the dagger on her soft white skin. 

Nandini: Father please...what are you doing? You are scaring me... NIZE...

she started screaming 

Mage: I just need a little bit of your blood my dear can do that for your father right?

Nandini: Father please... she started crying.... 

His heart stopped him for a moment but he had to keep all his emotions aside because that is not something he have to hold... 

He slid the sharp knife across her hand slowly the blood started flowing out while she was screaming with pain and Nize was standing outside the door unable to do anything. 

The dagger glows hard giving confirmation to the mage that Nandini IS the one who is his mule for his life extension. 

He added 3 drops of her blood to the portion and the portion started glowing. And it stopped suddenly. Nothing changed confusing the mage... 

Mage: What the hell happened? He yelled...while he threw the dagger across the room. Nandni started trembling with fear her tears were not stopping... 

Mage: Nize...He yelled and Nize appeared in the room immediately...

Nize: Yes master... 

Mage: Take her out! Strip her and see what birthmark is there on her body...

Nize: Yes master... 

Mage: NOW! he screamed 

and Nize ran to Nandini pulling her with full force to go out with her already being scared she quickly ran out with Nize...

They both reached Nandini's room while the Mage started looking in the books again about what went wrong... 

Nandini: What's wrong with father... My hand...Nize... I am scared She cried 

Nize could speak nothing to ease her fear at this moment... 

Nize: Remove your clothes, Nandini, 

Nandini: Why? 

Nize: We have to do so that he doesn't make master angry Nandini... please do it...

Nandini is so scared of her father's anger at this moment that she silently removes all her clothes.

Nize searched all the parts of her body and found a half-sun birthmark on her upper thigh. 

Nize: Get dressed... she spoke and went out of the room 

She reached the  mage magic room and entered inside 

Nize: Master she has half  sun birthmark   

Mage: Half? She had a full sun birthmark when she was born what happened now for it to go to half? 

Nize doesn't have an answer to that question so she remains silent 

Mage: What went wrong????? 

The mage yelled loudly while all the glass items broke in the room. 

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