Chapter 37

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Manik POV,

I was born with a silver spoon. It was what I heard all my life, but people don't know that the silver spoon I keep in my mouth is stained with blood. My father is the leader of the Dragon clan. And I had to take that responsibility when I turn 14 because that's when my parents died. And I know it. But I still acted rashly. I wanted my remaining days happy and peaceful. It's not like I can't kill, and I am afraid to kill. I have seen too many deaths, and that doesn't scare me.

I can stab a knife through someone's heart even right now and walk away as if nothing happened. There was nothing in my life. It was an empty bottle with my breath, which can go away anytime when someone opens the lid.

I have to be as cold as I can if I have to survive. As strong as I can if I want to live one more day. I trained harder than anyone because I didn't want to die so easily in the hands of cowards.

My empty life was lonely. The blood smell is intoxicating every night. I wanted this to end, at least for a day. But the dragon tattoo on my back is proof of my leadership and that I was born to do this. I had to accept it. But will there ever be a day that I forget about someone killing me and sleep peacefully?

My mother and father died at a very young age of mine. No, they were killed. I was angry at my grandfather for that because he let that happen! He is the actual murderer. But I had to take responsibility for REVENGE by joining the clan. I always felt like it was his plan, but he is the main leader of the dragon clan. No one dared oppose him. Except for me, Daniel who knew the consequences but avoided him for the responsibility of the murder of our parents.

I am killing everyone around responsibly and the thirst is still not ending. The dragon is wanting more. It is telling me to kill more and sit on their graves. It is horrible, but I am thirsty. Thirsty for blood. Thirsty for everything.

That's when I met Zia.


I did meet her briefly when I was 10, but I didn't remember it until I met her again.

Manik at 10

"You look so beautiful, want to come with me?"...I heard a voice of a man speaking to the lady standing with him...

"Get lost I am not interested" ...she replied so harshly...

That other man got so angry and caught the lady's hand, so hard...

"You slut acting like a good girl I know who you are so come with me silently" ...he said and tried to pull her...

In that small moment, she saw me and gave me a warm smile ...

"Don't worry, I can handle this" she said to me and suddenly turned and punched that man in his stomach...

He growled in pain while crouching down a little, and she kicked him in his balls.
Made him lose balance, and he fell down to the ground.

"I told you to get lost," she said while rubbing her hands with her handkerchief.

I was so surprised that I can never forget that day but I forgot that woman soon...

I saw her again at 18, but I don't remember her.


"Leave me" I heard a girl yelling.

I was just curious to see what it is about. I saw a girl struggling to let herself free from two men trying to force herself on her. Do I need to help her? Am I someone who saves people? I am not, so I should just leave! Those are my thoughts, but she suddenly took a gun out and pointed toward them both.

"Relax girl!"

"Do you know who I am right now? I work for the dragon clan" She spoke with a smirk.

Does she belong to my clan? Who is she? Why is she carrying a gun?

I saw terrified looks on their faces as they heard my clan's name. They ran away quickly.

She looked at me as I walked a little further toward her.

Zia: What do you want?" She asked coldly.

Manik: Who are you?

Zia: Who the hell are YOU, dude?

She is quite rude.

Manik: I am the manik of the dragon clan you spoke of before, so can I know the name of the person who belongs to my clan?

Her face looked calm even after I said I am Manik. Why is she so confident?

Zia: So? Can't you tell that it was just an act? ... She asked coldly.

Manik: Do you even know who you are speaking with?

Zia: I am speaking with a child playing as an adult going around killing people. It's not like I care about them, so It's none of my business.

Manik: What's your name?

Zia: Will tell you if we meet again. So later... she said as she walks past me.

Zia: Oh, between that's a toy gun. How stupid those guys are... she chuckled as she left.

I was intrigued. She was interesting and different. She must be brave because she doesn't have any interest in her life.

And maybe she was very similar to me and an adult adding to the scene. I couldn't forget about her at all.

I ordered to find out about her. I want to meet her. I have never felt like this about any girl in my life. I am in my first love experience and I know it.

Meeting her again and again, making it a coincidence became a habit for me until I didn't need the coincidences anymore.

With her, I acted my age. I can act my age. I don't need to act like an adult. I don't need to be the Manik of the dragon clan, but Manik. 

Why did she use my Clan's name though? Is it just to protect herself briefly? 

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