Chapter 57

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"What did you say?" Manik pressed, seeking clarification.

"You heard what I said," Nandini mumbled, her voice barely audible.

"I want to hear it properly," he insisted, his tone unwavering.

"Manik... tell me how you feel about me," she asked hesitantly, her words laced with uncertainty.

"That day you sternly said to Moga that we are not together... why is that? I thought we were closer than that," Manik questioned, his brow furrowed with confusion.

"Oh! that day I looked at you... you looked like you were struggling to find a proper response and also there is no need for everyone in this world to know about our relation. I need us both to have clarity about things," Nandini explained calmly.

"What if I don't have clarity?" Manik probed further.

"Then you just need to wait for me, trusting your feelings, because I promise you I'll never betray them," Nandini reassured him with sincerity.

"You suddenly talk so differently from your character. Are you really Manik?" she asked, taken aback by his unexpected openness.

"I am Manik. Due to some reasons, I have never believed in love, but after I met you, I started feeling like every person has a fated partner. No matter what kind of monster they are. And for me, it is you. After I realized that, I let go of my past easily," Manik confessed, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

"Past?" Nandini inquired, curious about his history.

"I loved a woman when I was in my teens. An older woman. She rejected me one day when I proposed to her. Not a manly story," Manik admitted, revealing a glimpse of his past.

"Wait! I think I heard about this from Kitchen Auntie," Nandini recalled, connecting the dots.

"Kitchen Auntie?" Manik questioned, puzzled by the reference.

"Yes! She also had a letter," Nandini added, her memory stirring.

"Letter? What are you talking about?" Manik's confusion deepened.

"Should I go ask Auntie?" Nandini suggested, ready to investigate further.

"No! for now I want you in my arms so we will think about that letter later," Manik declared, his tone resolute as he settled back onto the bed.

"Actually, I wanna try something," he said, pulling her closer and resting his head on her lap.

"This is nice," he murmured, closing his eyes and succumbing to sleep.

Nandini, torn between the warmth of the moment and her racing thoughts, hesitated. Eventually, she too drifted into a peaceful slumber, nestled beside him.


Nandini woke up to find the room empty, but a prepared breakfast awaited her on the table, along with the blanket pulled up to her neck. With a sigh, she got out of bed, breakfast in hand, and ventured out of the room.

As she emerged, Moga suddenly appeared, catching her off guard. His gaze swept over her, and he wore a disappointed expression.

"Did you have sex?" he blurted out, his tone blunt and intrusive.

Nandini felt a flush of embarrassment rises to her cheeks. 

"No, we didn't," she replied, feeling uncomfortable under his scrutiny.

Every day seemed to stretch into eternity for Nandini as she eagerly awaited Manik's return home each night. Their evenings together became a cherished routine, filled with heartfelt conversations and shared emotions. Manik began opening up to her more, sharing the intricacies of his day and the depths of his feelings.

Their bond grew stronger with each passing moment, and Nandini felt as though they were no longer two separate individuals, but rather, one unified soul. This was the love she had always yearned for, and now, she had found it in Manik. She pondered whether a good woman truly had the power to change her man, but ultimately decided that even if Manik remained unchanged, as long as he continued to show her love and importance, she would be content.


1 year later, 

All the clans were wiped out, with the six clan leaders and their members enduring significant losses of both lives and resources. Despite this, Manik stepped in to offer financial assistance and support to those affected. He not only aided the clan leaders but also extended his help to all the families under their leadership.

Manik took on the responsibility of managing the affairs of the clans as if they were his own family. His selfless actions left Nandini both shocked and proud. She witnessed a remarkable transformation in him, as he went from being aloof and distant to becoming a compassionate and caring leader, dedicated to the well-being of his community.

Manik arrived at the mansion in the early afternoon and made his way directly to Nandini's room."Nandini," he called out.

"Manik? You're back early today," she exclaimed, surprised by his sudden arrival.

He handed her a box wrapped in gift paper.

"Get ready," he said before quickly darting out of the room.

She opened the box and she saw a saree inside it. A beautiful red designer saree along with a matching blouse. Exactly with her measurements.

"I wonder how he knows it" She mumbled as she took it out of the box.

The saree was a vibrant shade of crimson, with delicate gold embroidery adorning its borders, creating intricate patterns that seemed to dance in the light. The fabric itself was luxurious, with a smooth texture that promised comfort and elegance. The matching blouse was a work of art in itself, crafted from the same rich material as the saree and featuring intricate detailing along the neckline and sleeves. Its perfect fit and graceful design complemented the saree beautifully, adding a touch of sophistication to the ensemble. Together, the saree and blouse formed a stunning outfit that exuded timeless charm and grace.

In 15 minutes she wore it and came to the mirror. She was surprised by the way she looked. She looked beautiful and she knew it too. 

As Nandini stood before the mirror, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at her reflection. The crimson saree draped elegantly around her figure, accentuating her curves and highlighting her grace. The gold embroidery shimmered in the light, casting a radiant glow on her complexion. The jhumki earrings delicately framed her face, their intricate design adding a touch of traditional elegance. A small bindi adorned her forehead, adding a hint of mystique to her appearance. With a subtle application of red lipstick, her lips took on a captivating hue, enhancing her natural beauty. She swept a section of her hair back, allowing the rest to cascade in loose waves around her shoulders. As she admired her reflection, she couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence and empowerment. At that moment, she knew she was ready to face whatever the day had in store for her.

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