Chapter 39

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Why does she never listen to me? And that bastard dared to touch something that belongs to my mansion? He should die immediately. 

Elijah, a playboy landed his eye on her. She should just be like a fuck buddy to me if I want to try but why is it bothering me so much? Elijah who came as fast as he can disappear at the same speed. Now no pests are on my land. Everything belongs to me. I liked this control. 

Just when I thought everything was peaceful. I saw Daniel running home with Nandini in his arms. I ordered her to stay home and no need to work No need to be so stubborn but she cheated on me. She went out and not only that but went behind my back with my brother. 

She is completely dressed. She got herself look beautiful for Daniel. She never did this before with me so why now? 

She looks so innocent but she is the same as everyone. Jumping on any men. It is daniel's fault too. He know not to defy me but he did. And I needed to punish him and I did. That must serve as an example but why is my heart still feeling uneasy? 

When I moved towards her bed and saw her lying down with a very hot body and shivering like a puppy while wearing all that makeup and completely dressed for him pissed me off. 


  ''You wore makeup?"  

"Dress too?"

"For him?"

"What did you do for you to get  fever?"

"Open your fucking eyes!"

I screamed at her unconscious body. Why am I getting so irritated? Why am I getting so angry? 

I know why she did that and why he helped her but why am I asking for an explanation?  I know it's not actually daniel's fault but I was so angry that I spilled a sentence I shouldn't say. 

"Aren't you afraid of getting close to a woman? Aren't you afraid of her dying" 

I shouldn't have said that. I know I did a mistake. 

Daniel went into his room going back to the time an incident happened. Darla! I messed with his incident so much and now he is facing this depression. 

Whisky is my comfort. Why is she messing with my home? 

I wanted to relax but 


"Daniel it's me! Open the door please." 

"The fuck is she doing right now" 

I walked out of the room to see her screaming in front of Daniel's room. As if she was his lover. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Why is she doing this? Why is he worried about him? Did she already start loving him? Why him? What did he do to her? 

"What did you do to him?" She asked me angrily. 

"What did I do?... for my brother?" Does she dare ask me that? How courageous. I would've let it slide if it was some other day but... 

"Who the fuck are you asking me that? If you are forgetting your position how about me reminding you that you are a slave? someone I brought in an auction" 

That's right. She is my slave. I brought her. She should listen to me. She is my thing. My slave! 

But she didn't agree. She wants to be someone's slave but not mine. She dares make me angry. I couldn't control my anger anymore. 

I took my gun out and placed it on her forehead and she got shocked. That's it ...That's the fear I wanted to see in her eyes. This is what I want. 

"Do you know where you are standing and in front of whom you are standing? If I want I can rape you to my heart's content and kill you while slicing your body into pieces and I swear no one's gonna know which part is which" 

She is trembling. 

"Cat got your tongue?" 

"Do you even know the human value?"

Does she still dare to speak? After all that? She fainted right after that. 

"Someone throw her in her room" 

My ugly emotions. She brings it out at the wrong moment and I am not liking it. 

 I was disturbed. I started drinking again. I  took my car keys out and started driving while drinking. Am I fed up with life? Maybe I am.

I couldn't stop thinking about zia! Why the hell couldn't I stop thinking about her. I  just want to forget about her.


I woke up and saw my familiar ceiling in an unfamiliar way. Where am I? 

What happened? Why couldn't I move? What is this pain? All people around me are looking at me like some fucking ghost and it's annoying. 

Apparently, I was in an accident. I would've fucking killed god if he takes me like that cheaply in an accident but I survived. 

Everyone is here but where is she? 

After I learned that someone took her away. Her willingness of going didn't go into my mind. She was taken away. My property is taken away. 

I wanted to bring her back and show her that she belongs to me once again and she can't run away from me. 

Her past is unique and different than I never would've exected. It was funny in some way too but she is crying and somehow it hurt my heart. The feeling of showing her my affection is far in the future and I can't do that but at the same time, I couldn't leave her alone. She is mine. I want to say that loud. 

SHE IS MINE and again she is within my sight. 

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