truth or drink (requested)

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"So, before the interview ends, your fans and the viewers wanted you two to play a game for the show." The interviewer spoke. "Does that sound okay with you two?"

"Of course!" Lisa said as she brushed her thumb across your knuckles.

"Okay, so it's called truth or drink. Basically, if you refuse to answer a question truthfully, you take a drink. We've got some questions here that a lot of interviewers haven't asked either of you yet, so it should be very interesting." The interviewer said with a gleeful smile.

A few shots for you and a few for Lisa were placed down on the table in front of you.

"Okay, first question! Ready?"

"Ready." You confirmed.

You figured the questions wouldn't be too bad, but to your surprise, right off the bat, they weren't that easy to answer truthfully.

"When is the last time that you spoke to your ex?"

"I can truthfully answer that I haven't spoken to any of my exes since our relationships ended," Lisa said. "I don't want to relive the past. We broke up for a reason and I have nothing more to say to them after us ending."

But that wasn't the case for you.

And you didn't want to confess that.

So, hesitantly, you reached for one of the shots on the table before swallowing it down.

And from the corner of your eyes, you could see that Lisa wasn't happy about it.

"Feel like explaining that one?" She asked you.

"It was a few months ago. She tried contacting me and said she wanted to talk but I told her I'm in a serious relationship and wanted nothing to do with her."

"If it was that easy then why didn't you tell me?" Lisa asked with a sense of hurt in her voice.

You looked at her and tried to explain the reason why, which was simply that you didn't think anything of it and it just slipped from your brain because it was honestly nothing.

But before you got the chance to, the interviewer spoke up again.

"Have you ever thought of breaking up with the other person?"

"No, not ever." You said. "I love Lisa too much to even think of that."

Lisa must not have agreed though because she quickly downed a shot from the table.

"So I had to explain my reasoning behind me taking a shot so now you do too." You said as you folded your arms over your chest.

"It was at the start of our relationship. I worried that my life might be too much for you and that it might be best if we ended things. But I was too crazy over you from the start and it hurt me too much to do that."

You cracked a small smile, finding a little relief  in her answer.

"When is the last time you felt jealous?"

"When Lisa was really close with one of her dancers on stage." You answered and Lisa laughed before nodding her head understandingly.

"I think the last time I felt jealous was when we were in the club with the girls a few weeks ago and some sleaze was trying to flirt with you. Oh, that was not okay with me at all." She said. "I was extremely unhappy about that. They were gross."

"How about one more question? Have you ever talked about the things you do behind closed doors to the other girls? Either of you."

Since you and Lisa have shared a few romantic and intimate nights together in the span of your relationship, it was a very interesting question to ask.

Lisa reached for a shot and swallowed it back before putting the empty glass on the table.

"I'm not explaining that one." She mumbled and a few laughs from people around you were received over her doing so.

But to her surprise, you also took another shot, which made her brown eyes widen.

"Oh, you've done it too?" She asked and watched your cheeks heat up in response. "Very good to know. I've found out some very interesting stuff during this game."

People laughed once more, though you weren't really giggling over it.

As the interview came to an end and the cameras were cut, you and Lisa stayed sitting down on your chairs as the awkwardness came over you both.

"Well, that was interesting." You said as you nervously toyed with your fingers.

After a moment of silence, she broke and looked at you with a look of worry.

"Are we okay? I know that we answered some stuff back there that we haven't told each other."

"Yeah, I didn't expect those questions. I thought they'd be more gentle and less juicy."

She giggled before you took her hand into yours.

"They were a little brutal. I didn't expect any of them at all."

"We should play our own game of that sometime." You suggested.

"Absolutely not. As long as we're okay, there are things I'd rather not know." She said, making you giggle happily.

"Don't worry. We're okay, Lili. We'll always be okay."

She leaned over and pecked your lips softly before you stood up together.

"Let's go home." She said and wrapped her arm around you, leading you backstage to grab your things so you could head home together.

Lisa Imagines - book two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now