you pass away (requested)

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Lisa looked around through the blur of her tears as the girls helped her up from her knees.

"Come on, Lisa. It's okay, we've got you." Jisoo whispered as she helped her friend walk over to a chair, away from your hospital room.

She let out a shaky breath as more tears fell from her eyes as the girls sat down beside her.

"It can't be real." Lisa sniffled, speaking quietly. "This is just a dream... a terrible dream. I'm going to pinch myself and wake up next to her and everything will be alright."

Lisa pinched her arm, only for her to stay in this moment as the girls stared at her in sadness.

She hung her head as a tear fell down her cheek.

"We're so sorry," Rosé whispered as she put her hand over Lisa's.

This whole day just felt like one terrible nightmare.

She got the news before she even arrived in the studio this morning that you had been in an accident.

It was an awful accident, one that left you with a lot of serious injuries; injuries you wouldn't recover from.

Lisa and the girls left the studio as soon as she got that call and she spent the entire day by your side, holding your hand as she hoped and prayed to the universe that you'd open your eyes.

But you never did.

The injuries you received had been internal and had even been in your brain.

They tried to help.

They tried everything they could.

But they just couldn't save you.

And now, Lisa is trying to come to terms with how quickly everything changed.

This morning, you were all smiles when she went out the door.

You shared breakfast together, shared kisses and words of love, and you promised that you'd be waiting for her when she arrived home from the studio later in the night.

And now... you're gone.

"How could this happen?" Lisa asked as she stared at the girls in tears. "We had such a great morning together. We had so much to look forward to."

She closed her eyes and bit her lip.

"I was going to take her to Paris in a few weeks and propose for our anniversary."

The girls hadn't known that and it made the situation even more devastating.

"It's not fair!" Lisa yelled as she pounded her hands on the table. "She had so much ahead of her. She had so much she wanted to do. She should be here!"

"Shh," Jennie said as she got up and hugged Lisa tight.

"I want her back." Lisa cried. "I need her."

Jisoo and Rosie got up to join in on the hug as tears fell from their eyes.

"I miss her so much already."

"I know," Jennie whispered.

"Lisa, we're so sorry. We wish we could do something." Rosie said through the blur of her tears.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without her. She was the best thing to ever happen to me. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and now she's just... gone." Lisa sobbed as the girls held her tight.

They didn't know what to say or do.

They knew that Lisa was in pain; a kind of pain that they couldn't fix, even if they tried.

It was a pain that would linger for a very long time, a pain that only time could heal; if time could even heal it at all.

"She was amazing. You were lucky to love her and we were lucky to know her." Jisoo said.

"She made an impact on a lot of people's lives just because she existed. Because she had that beautiful, radiant smile. She may not be with us anymore but she will never be forgotten." Jennie spoke as she rubbed Lisa's shoulder comfortingly.

"She should still be here though. She had her whole life ahead of her and it was just ripped away because of that idiot that was paying more attention to their damn phone than the road!" Lisa yelled in anger as she continued to cry. "I miss her so much."

"We know. We miss her too." Rosie sniffled.

"We've got you, Lisa. We've got each other to lean on." Jisoo promised.

"And we're all staying with you. For as long as you need us. Whether it be at one of our houses or at your place. We're staying right by your side and we won't go anywhere until you're okay." Jennie said.

"Thank you," Lisa spoke. "But I'll never be okay. Nothing will ever be okay again. Not without Y/N."

The girls just held her tighter, not even caring about those who passed by and looked on.

They didn't care about anything but Lisa and each other.

Because, even though Lisa was hurting the most, they were hurting too.

And it was going to be a very long time before they got over your loss.

Because they could have never imagined life without you and now that you're gone, no one knows what to do, they just feel lost.

All they could do was lean on each other and be here for Lisa for as long as she needed.

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