blinks catch you and Lisa out in France (requested)

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Today has been one of the best days of your life.

You're in France with Lisa, walking through different romantic spots as you take pictures of each other and share an endless amount of kisses.

Your relationship isn't yet public.

However, you and Lisa are to the point where you're quite serious with each other and you don't really care about who catches you together, hence why you're out and about and not hiding your love for each other.

As you strolled through some beautiful scenery, something caught Lisa's eye and her face lit up.

"Look! A flea market. Want to go and see what they've got?" She asked.


You continued to walk hand in hand as you made your way over there.

It was a beautiful flea market.

It had so many different things that you fell in love with and you couldn't resist buying a few things.

But as Lisa was looking through the purses with you standing behind her looking at something different, she saw a few fans across the street with cameras in their hands.

Even though she didn't mind that you had been caught, she was feeling a little protective of you as a couple of them stared you down.

"Baby, take my hand." She said and you quickly grabbed her hand in yours, making her feel a little better.

"Lisa, Lisa!" They called out as they snapped photos and took videos of you two walking through the flea market, hand in hand. "Lisa, is that your girlfriend?"

She smiled brightly as she nodded her head, the fans recording the moment as more of them gathered around to witness the two of you being cute together.

"I think I'm done." You said as you finished paying for your stuff.

"Okay. Me too." She said as she paid for her stuff.

You returned to walking down the street together and the whole time, fans followed you and recorded you together as the news hit social media.

Photos and videos were being spread across Twitter and Instagram and the one of Lisa answering the question from the blink about you being her girlfriend was especially going viral.

"Lisa, you're really cute together!"

"Congrats, Lisa!"

A couple of fans shouted and you watched your girlfriend's eyes light up as she waved to them and thanked them.

"What now, darling?"

"Can we go back to the hotel? I know you have to start rehearsing soon but maybe we can go for a quick swim?"

"That sounds fun." She said with a grin.

And as she kissed your cheek, the fans awwed over the sight and continued to snap pictures.

"Are you sure you don't mind this? I can practically see the headlines and comments now about how you're dating someone that isn't famous."

"I don't care. I'm in love with you and I don't want to hide that any longer. The fans can snap as many pictures as they want and spread them across the internet. Let people talk. You're the one that makes me happy. Why should I hide that?"

Your heart fluttered as you realized just how in love with you she truly is.

She didn't care about the opinions of the rest of the world.

She only wanted to be with you and if people didn't like that, she couldn't care less.

"You're my girl. I want the whole world to know that."

You squeezed her hand a little tighter and watched her smile grow.

"Lisa, your girlfriend is beautiful!"

Lisa giggled as she nodded her head in agreement.

"Isn't she?" She beamed. "She's so beautiful! I'm very lucky."

A shy but big smile pulled at your lips and Lisa just chuckled.

"I hope you all love her as much as I do."

"We do!" They said.

It was evident how happy you make her.

And for any true fan, isn't that all that truly matters?

"They adore you." She said happily.

"I adore them too." You said as your heart felt warm and happy.

As you headed back into the hotel, you and Lisa waved to the blinks that continued to follow you.

Blowing them kisses and giving them some hearts, you both happily went back into the hotel, promising to see them again a bit later as they shared your love with the rest of the world, who were truly over the moon for you and Lisa.

Lisa Imagines - book two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now