you mess up when rapping along to playing with fire (requested)

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"Are you excited?" Lisa grinned as she pulled the car out of the driveway.

"Extremely! I've been needing a vacation for the longest time, especially one with my girl."

You leaned over and kissed her cheek, making her smile grow.

Today, you and Lisa are going on a road trip.

You're going to a place just a few hours away but rather than taking a plane, you decided to just drive it to make it a little more special.

"Can you turn on some music? I'm fine with anything."

"Sure." You said as you hooked your phone up to the car.

You scrolled through your music library until coming across a song you love.

"This is one of my favorites." You said before tapping on the song.

And just a second later, the intro to playing with fire began.

Lisa shook her head with a laugh and began to sing along to the song.

You happily did the same, both of you now singing together.

But there was one slight difference between you two - your Korean isn't very strong.

You've learned a little of the language with the help of Lisa and the girls but you still have trouble pronouncing some of the words.

So as Lisa's part came on, which just so happens to be your favorite part of the song, you tried to rap along with her.

But it was easier said than done.

"Oh no, nan imi meolli," You paused as you began to trip over your words. "Eoneusae i modeun ge jangnani anin geol."

You pronounced the words slowly, barely able to keep up with the song.

But you stopped as Lisa let out a cute little giggle.

"Having some trouble there, darling?"

"Sorry." You said as you sat back, feeling a little awkward. "I'm trying my hardest but some of the words are hard for me still."

"I know, baby. I'm only teasing you. It's okay, it's cute."

"It isn't. It's embarrassing." You sighed. "You're my girlfriend, I should know how to rap your parts in the songs."

"Babe, learning another language isn't easy. It's challenging. It's okay that you're not perfectly fluent in Korean. It's okay that you still make mistakes."


"Yeah. It happens. It takes a while to learn a whole new language. You're working hard at it. You're trying. That's more than enough for me."

"Thank you." You said with a small smile, feeling more relaxed now.

"Come on, let's sing it together." She said before turning the volume up. "My love is on fire."

"Now burn, baby, burn."

Lisa smiled brightly as you sang the song together.

And any time that you made a mistake, she helped you through it and encouraged you to keep trying, helping you nail it eventually.

Lisa Imagines - book two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now