you think she actually likes her PR boyfriend (requested)

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"Hello, hello! Baby, I'm here!" Lisa said as she walked through the front door of your home.

She wasn't meant to come over today but she finished everything on her schedule sooner than expected which left her with some free time and, of course, she wanted to spend it with you and only you.

She walked up the stairs to your room and found you sitting on your bed, scrolling through your phone.

"I brought food." She smiled as she set the bag down on your nightstand.

You put your phone down and stared at her wordlessly as you crossed your arms over your chest.

"Uh-oh. I don't like that look." She teased. "What'd I do?"

You unlocked your phone once more before handing it over to her.

She saw that Twitter was open and, to be specific, one of her fan pages was open.

She saw the tweet that you'd been looking at and she let out a sad sigh when she saw it.

"Lisa and her boyfriend today!" The tweet read.

It was hard for you to see things like that.

Right now, you and Lisa are forced to keep your relationship a secret while she dates a guy for PR.

It's a situation that no one involved likes.

But it's one that she doesn't have a choice about, no matter how much she despises the situation.

"Baby," She said as she sat down beside you.

"Be honest with me about this, Lisa. Do you like him? Like actually like him?"

"What? No, of course not! Why would you ask me that?"

"I don't know." You said as you shrugged your shoulders. "Sometimes, I just don't know how to feel about it. Sometimes, you spend so much time with him that I can't help but wonder that you have feelings for him."

"No, baby, I don't like him like that." She said.

"Sometimes, you cancel our plans together and you take photos where you're so close together and even kissing him that it feels as though you like him for real."

"Y/N," She sighed as she pulled you into her arms. "Baby, I don't like him that way. He's my PR boyfriend and that's all he is."

You looked up at her with sad eyes, practically shattering her heart.

"I wish the public knew the truth. I wish I could tell the world the truth. That I feel nothing for this guy and it's all a publicity stunt and the one I'm in love with is you, my girl."

You smiled a little.

"I believe that one day, we'll be able to do that. That thought keeps me going. Because I hate this as much as you do. I want nothing more than to tell the world how in love I am with you - the most beautiful and sweetest girl in the world. I want that more than anything. But right now, it's just not an option and I have to fake these feelings for him until it's over."

"You promise you don't like him?"

"I swear it, baby girl. You're my girl and you're the only one I love." She said as she brushed her fingers across your arms. "You believe me, don't you?"

You nodded and heard her breathe out a breath of relief in response.

"Good." She smiled. "One day, my love, our love will be out in the world and we won't have to hide. But, until that day comes, it's you and I in our own little world. I kinda like it that way."

"Me too." You said as you grabbed her hands in yours. "I love you."

"I love you more." She said as you put your head back on her shoulder.

Leaning down, she put her lips on yours to give you a sweet kiss on your lips, making your heart soar.

"Let's eat, okay? We've got the whole night together. I can even stay here with you tonight if you want."

"I'd love that." You smiled brightly, making her heart melt.

You shared one more kiss before she opened the bag of food and as you ate, you held each other and shared bites of each other's food, falling even more in love with each other each second you spent by each other's sides.

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