when she's pregnant (requested)

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"Hey, baby!" You grinned as you watched Lisa come down the stairs. "How are my girls feeling today?"

"Good." She assured as she came over to you and leaned in to kiss your cheek softly.

You were making breakfast for you and Lisa to share and you included some of the foods she's been craving so badly since she's pregnant.

"Everything looks amazing." She said as she closed her eyes and breathed in the delicious scent.

"Well, let's hope it will taste as good as it smells." You joked. "It should be done soon but it'll still be a few minutes at least. You can go lay down if you want to."'

"No, it's alright. I want to stay in here with you." She spoke as she grabbed a drink from the fridge.

Setting the spatula down, you looked over at her as she set her glass down.

"Come here."

She already knew what you wanted to do and since she adores it so much, she hurried to you as fast as she could.

She wasn't as fast as she used to be since she's almost eight months along now but she does her best and you can't get enough of how adorable she looks when she walks, now that she can barely see her own feet.

She reached your side and you knelt on the floor before lifting her shirt to kiss her bump.

"Hello in there, angel. How are you today?" You spoke and, to no surprise, Lisa felt the baby's tiny feet press against her stomach in response. "Are you going to be a dancer like Mommy too?"

"With how much she keeps kicking me, she'll be doing something active. I can tell." Lisa sighed and you giggled in response.

"We can't wait to meet you. Only a few more weeks! Are you excited to meet us too?"

Lisa gasped as the baby kicked once more before she smiled brightly.

You kissed her bump a couple more times and then stirred the food so it wouldn't burn before turning back to your wife and your growing little girl.

"I can't believe how close we are to her arrival." You said.

"I know, me neither." She spoke as you rubbed her bump lovingly, something you're obsessed with doing. "It feels like just yesterday we were trying IVF and then finding out that we're having a baby and now, we're just a few weeks away from her being born."

"It's going to be incredible." You smiled.

"It will. I'll miss being pregnant. But one thing I won't miss is the pressure of this bump." She said with a heavy sigh. "I love it but it's heavy and sometimes it causes a lot of pressure."

You sent her a sweet smile before you gently lifted her bump.

Lisa closed her eyes with a contented sigh as she felt a lot of pressure lift from her body and she relaxed at the feeling.

"My angel." She mumbled and you chuckled happily before kissing her cheek lingeringly. "Thank you. That's exactly what I needed."

"Baby, when you need me to do this, just let me know. I've done it before and I'm happy to do it for you anytime you need."

She opened her eyes and you noticed a sparkle in them before she leaned in and stole a kiss from your lips.

"I love doing this for you because I know it makes you feel better and I just love how close it makes us. I love the feeling of holding your bump. So don't hesitate to ask when you need me to do this."

"You're incredible." She said, a smile tugging at her soft lips. "You're going to be such an amazing mom."

"So will you."

She hummed as she put her head on your shoulder and basked in the warmth and happiness flooding over her.

She couldn't wait for your daughter to arrive, knowing that she was going to be loved unconditionally and endlessly adored.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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