celebrating her birthday (requested)

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"Where are we going?" Lisa giggled as you walked behind her, your hands covering her eyes.

"Be careful. Just a few more steps and we'll be there." You spoke as you guided her.

You came to a stop a few seconds later and she practically pushed your hands away due to the curiosity and excitement she was feeling.

And when she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see the backyard was beautifully decorated with birthday decorations.

Fairy lights were draped around the trees and her favorite foods were on the table.

And, to make it even more special, as she turned her head, she saw her closest family members standing nearby.

"Surprise!" They yelled out.

You came up behind her and wrapped your arms around her, hugging her from behind.

"Happy birthday, Lili." You said, softly kissing her shoulder blade.

Her smile grew as she turned her head and stole a kiss from your lips, making her family awe at the sight.

"Happy birthday!" Lisa's mom said as she hurried over to hug her.

"Thank you. You're all here. I didn't think you'd be here." She said.

She was genuinely surprised to see her family standing around.

She thought that this birthday would be spent with just you as she didn't have the time to fly back home to Thailand for her special day.

"Well, it was Y/N's ideas. She threw you this beautiful party! When she asked if we could come, we happily agreed. Because we wouldn't miss it for the world." Her mom smiled as she pinched Lisa's cheeks, making her giggle.

"Thanks, Mom." Lisa grinned before hugging her mom tightly.

She was greeted and hugged by her other family members while you just stood there watching with a bright smile.

It was nice to see her beaming like this.

You were so happy that you were able to pull off this special birthday surprise for her.

She deserved it.

You all sat down and began to eat, enjoying the time you were spending together as you celebrate your special and beautiful girlfriend.

You had dinner and Lisa opened a few gifts before it was time for cake.

"Here you go, birthday girl. The first piece is for you." You said as you handed her a plate with a slice of cake on it.

"Thank you, baby." She said, stealing a kiss from your lips once more.

Only this time, you made it a little sweeter by surprising her by wiping your finger along the frosting and then swiping it across her nose.

She pulled away with a giggle as everyone else laughed.

"Sweet." She said as she brought the frosting to her lips with her fingers.

You all sat down and enjoyed some cake together and afterward, as it got late, you all just made small talk and had fun being present with each other.

Once it got too late though, everyone decided that it was time to head back to their hotel rooms and the party ended.

"Thanks so much for coming! See you tomorrow before you leave?" Lisa asked her mom.

"Of course, honey. We'll see you tomorrow." She said and they shared one more hug before her mom headed out.

She and her stepfather were the last to head out, so as soon as they left, Lisa closed the door and let out a sigh.

"What an incredible evening." She said to herself, still smiling from ear to ear.

She had the time of her life, swearing that this was the best birthday she'd ever had.

And it was all thanks to you.

Her heart was swelling with love for you and all she wanted was to go up to bed and share a few kisses with you until you fell asleep.

You were in the backyard still cleaning up.

So when she came up behind you and wrapped you in her arms, you were happy to use it as an excuse to take a little break.

"Thank you for tonight. This was the best birthday of my life." She said as she squeezed you tightly.

"You're so welcome, my love. I'm happy you had fun. You deserve it." You said as you turned around.

You pecked her lips, only for her to pout at you.

"That's all I get? It's still my birthday and I only get a peck?"

You chuckled before wrapping your arms around her neck and putting your lips on hers for a sweet kiss.

You both melted as your lips moved against hers so perfectly.

And suddenly, cleaning up was the last thing on your mind.

"We'll clean up tomorrow. Let's go up to bed and make out instead."

And you couldn't say no to that.

"Whatever you want, birthday girl." You smiled and took her hand before going into the house and making your way upstairs to the bedroom.

As soon as you were in bed, her lips were on yours again.

She kissed you deeply as she hummed against your lips, loving the way your lips felt against hers.

"You're so perfect." You said as you turned over, making her lay against the mattress.

She smiled at you, parting her lips to protest, only for you to stop her as you placed your finger over her lips.

"You are, Lisa. Absolutely perfect."

You started to kiss her neck, causing her breath to hitch as she closed her eyes and pulled you closer.

"Happy birthday, my girl."

"Thank you, baby." She grinned.

The night wasn't over yet and neither was her special day.

And to make it even more perfect and unforgettable, you planned to give her all the kisses she wanted you to as you devoted the rest of the night to her; promising to do whatever she wanted you to.

Lisa Imagines - book two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now