learning Thai for her - BLACKPINK fifth member (requested)

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"Hey," You smiled as Lisa entered your room.

"Are you busy?" She asked as she sat down on your bed beside you.

"No. Not at all. What's up?" You asked.

"I had a really terrible day and I need someone to talk to about it."

"Okay, go ahead. I'm more than happy to listen." You replied and watched her send you a little smile in response, feeling thankful that you were there to let her vent.

She started to speak, her words all falling from her lips in rambled Korean.

She was extremely frustrated as she went on and on about everything that went wrong during the day she had.

But there was one slight problem for you as she spoke.

She was switching back and forth from Korean to Thai.

Korean was no issue for you to understand but you don't speak Thai and you don't understand it that well either.

So as she continued to switch from Korean to Thai repeatedly and as she continued to ramble stressful, you did your very best to keep up.

You didn't tell her that you didn't understand some of what she said because after she finished, she seemed to feel a lot better.

She felt relieved to have gotten everything off her chest and she was more thankful for you than ever.

She gave you a big hug and you didn't hesitate to squeeze her back, so tight and comforting that she just giggled happily and held onto you.

Lisa knows you don't know Thai that well but she must've forgotten in the heat of the moment and instead of mentioning it to her as she pulled away from the hug, you decided to keep it to yourself and take it as a sign that it was time to learn the language.

For her, especially.

But for the Thai BLINKs as well.

It wasn't an easy process.

You didn't have a ton of free time because of how busy you are but every second that you had, you used it to keep learning.

It was frustrating at times.

You stumbled over the words and the pronunciation a lot.

There were times when you wanted to pull your hair out over how you tried and tried only to find out you weren't doing it correctly or that you didn't understand the words or the sentence.

But, eventually, it became easier.

You ended up pulling Jennie, Jisoo, and Rose aside to practice your Thai with them and you were so proud of yourself when they heard the words fall from your lips so flawlessly.

They'd heard Lisa say the same things you had all throughout the years you've all known each other and they were so proud of you because they know firsthand that learning a new language is not an easy task.

"You did so good, Y/N!" Jennie said with a proud smile as she applauded you.

"Now, to surprise Lisa." You said and watched the girls' eyes light up.

They knew just as well as you that this was going to mean everything and more to her.

You decided that instead of pulling her aside, you'd surprise her during the upcoming show.

You were all in Thailand that night and you stood on stage together while staring out at the crowd in awe.

"It's so good to be home. I've missed you all so much." Lisa spoke in Thai with a big smile. "It's time for our next song! Are you all excited?"

"Actually, before we do that," You interrupted.

But you hadn't spoken the words in Thai, not just yet.

"I have a surprise for Lisa."

Lisa looked at you with curious eyes and a bright smile.

Your heart was racing and you were so excited to show her that you'd been studying and practicing long and hard with learning Thai for her.

"For Lisa," You paused before taking one of her hands and looking right into her soft brown eyes. "Lisa has always been there for me, for as long as I can remember. We've known each other for years and have been through so much together. I have been working hard on learning Thai for her."

Every word fell from your lips in Thai and it was so well-spoken that Lisa was just blown away as she stood there with her mouth hung open a bit and a bright grin on her face.

"She's my best friend, almost like a sister to me, and I am so proud to be standing here with her and the girls speaking the language that she grew up speaking. I know it means a lot to her and to all of you. I've been wanting to learn for a while now but things got in the way a lot that prevented me from doing so, until recently." You explained to the crowd before looking at Lisa.

Her eyes were so big and so full of happiness and it just melted your heart.

"What do you think? Did I do good?"

Lisa squealed excitedly before throwing her arms around you as she gave you the warmest and biggest hug she could.

The girls watched on, cheering and clapping as your hard work and the countless hours you've spent learning the beautiful language paid off.

"So good!" Lisa replied in Thai. "Right, everyone?"

The fans cheered loudly and you just giggled as you looked between them and Lisa, knowing that this meant everything and more to her.

And she was so worth it all.

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