you make her a bouquet of her favorite flowers (requested)

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Lisa let out a heavy sigh and brushed her hair away from her face as she became frustrated once again.

"Maybe we should just stop for the day," Jisoo suggested. "It is getting late. We could all head home and come back tomorrow to practice more."

"No! You all have this move down, I need to do the same." Lisa said as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

"Lisa, it's okay that you're not getting it. It's been a really long and difficult day. Let's just stop." Jennie said.

"No, I'll get it if I just keep practicing!" She said before she prepared to continue.

The girls all looked at each other and shook their heads.

Lisa usually picks up dance moves quickly but it seemed today that she just can't get this one move down.

She's been at it for a while now but she just can't seem to do it.

"You're exhausted, Lisa. Let's just stop and try again tomorrow." Rosé said as she put her hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Fine, whatever," Lisa grumbled.

She grabbed her things and headed out of the building and to her car.

The girls didn't take her storming away as rude or anything of that sort.

They understand that they're all under a lot of pressure and Lisa is just frustrated.

She just needs some rest and she'll be better in the morning.

Lisa wanted nothing more than to just get home and crawl into bed so she could rest and try it all again tomorrow.

So when she got home, she was upset and planned to go upstairs to bed.

She walked through the door and slammed it behind her.

You were in the living room and rather than jumping or wondering why she was so upset, you just sent her a warm smile.

And even though she had a bad day, Lisa couldn't deny that your smile made her heart flutter.

"Hey, my love. How was your day?"

"Terrible." She huffed. "The girls and I have been practicing all day long. I'm stuck on a specific move and I can't get it right but the girls all did and I'm so frustrated!"

You watched her tangle her fingers in her hair and then run her hands across her face.

"I just want to go to bed. Nothing can make me feel better except for some sleep."

You grabbed something off the table and made your way over to her.

"Maybe what I've been working on today will cheer you up!"

You proudly handed her a bouquet of her favorite flowers; one that you proudly and happily made yourself.

Lisa's eyes lit up and her frustration faded away as she stared at the beautiful flowers in awe.

"I know how much you love these flowers so I made this bouquet just for you! It's all your favorites. Do you like it?"

She was quiet, just gazing at the flowers for a moment.

But then, she looked at you with tears in her eyes.

"Baby, why are you crying?" You asked a tear fell down her cheek.

She threw her arms around you and held you tight as her heart swelled with love.

"I'm so lucky." She whispered. "I had such a bad day and you do this for me. You're so sweet and so loving. I'm so in love with you."

"Oh, Lili," You smiled as you hugged her just as tight. "My love, you know I'm happy to do things like this for you. You deserve it."

She pulled away and sniffled as you dried her eyes.

"These are so beautiful. Almost as beautiful as my girl." She said before kissing your lips lovingly. "You're amazing."

"I love you so much, baby. I'm happy you love it." You grinned and kissed her again. "And I hope tomorrow is better for you and that you're cheered up now."

"I am. I'm so happy." She smiled. "And I'm sure tomorrow will be better because you've put me in a better mood and I think I'll nail everything tomorrow."

"You will, I just know it."

"Come on, my love. Let's go up to bed. I have to send a picture to the girls of my beautiful bouquet. They're going to fall in love with it, my sweet, beautiful, talented girl." She proudly smiled.

She took your hand into her free one and walked upstairs with you, now in a much happier mood than before, and all thanks to you.

Lisa Imagines - book two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now