18 ~ He Won

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T H A N K   Y O U   A L L ! ! !

Indian Historical Fiction is a very niche genre. Like, only 1 to 2 % people are in this Genre. When I first started writing this Genre. There was not even ten books. I was like, nothing would happen. NOTHING! People are not into it. But, I wrote Abhishree for my satisfaction like I could not put it out of my head. Really!!!

Even, in the middle of the night, I used to imagine it.

So, I started it and literally today I can say that it was a good decision. After 3 years I finally have found 5000 LEGENDS who are in this Genre. Maybe, many more are in this genre and love my books but I think after Abhishree, after Bride of Sultan, even after Ruhani and with Rudra Nandani, they still are confused whether they should be following me or not!

Well, thank you so much for making it 5000 Family, finally. It took three years. Many aspiring writers come to me asking how do you get reads and this much love. It's just consistency and passion. What comes from inside is always phenomenal. Do not follow the fame, follow your heart! ♥️♥️♥️

Well, double updates on this occasion and virtual pizzas and hugs from my side 🍕🍕🍕

900 Votess fastttt!!!

Rudra POV

Even though I did not want, still, the tears fell from my eyes. 

Yes, I was hurt, I was definitely hurt to know that she slept with someone else.

How could she? How could she be so desperate for her revenge that she slept with another man? I just really wanted to scream, to scream my lungs out because it was hurting in my heart.

It was hurting me so bad that I could not even put that into words.

Walking to the outer area of the palace, I sneaked out of it and walked towards the place where my horse was waiting for me.

I was angry and mad about what she did.

But, I was beyond angry and mad about what that old bastard King did even after knowing that his nephew was into that girl whom he was marrying.

Which man would sleep with a girl who was in love with a person similar to his son?


And, now he would have to pay for this. I would not leave him, never.

I climbed my horse and rode back to the Empire.

I walked towards my small quarter and pushed the door open.

Searching for the sword that my mother gave to me when I started learning sword fighting at the age of seven, I held it in my hand.

Taking it out of the sheath, I walked towards the throne hall which was dark and empty this past midnight.

The soldiers guarding the hall looked at me and saw the naked sword in my hand, they took out their swords too and started attacking me. 

I pushed my sword in front, clashing the blade against there's and the sound attracted even more soldiers who were guarding the other places of the Empire.

I pushed them aside and suddenly one of them took out the knife and pierced my arm with it.

I looked at him and I immediately put my sword in his stomach. He shivered and screamed at the top of his lungs. The blood flew through the deep cut into his stomach and he fell to his knees.

Meanwhile, the other soldiers lifted their swords against me and I immediately pulled the sword out of him to battle them. My bicep was bleeding but it was not even bothering me. The only thing I was bothered about was owning it. He dared to sleep with my girl even after knowing she was my girl. Now, the hell with him being my uncle, father-like figure and the King. 

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