30 ~ Rudra and Nandani's fight

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You guys cannot even guess how stuck up I am write now in middle of something. There is a patient in my close relative. I am at my relative's home, taking care of my pregnant bhabhi. After finishing the work, I started writing. And, this update is for my loyal readers only. Who were literally waiting for the update. And, silent readers keep your one second with yourself, who cannot even vote. You can never understand anyone's hard work!

Rudra POV

After talking to Nandani, I felt a little upset. I knew she was a princess, her upbringing was different and my mother was a slave to my father. The way she called Maasi-ma, her father's mistress with the emotion of hate on her face made me feel a little upset about it.

I mean, we were married and so close to each other but still, there was a kind of distance between us. It could be because of our status, upbringing, different childhood and different challenges.

But, she had to understand that my Maasi-ma was like a mother figure to me. She was the one who brought me up. She was the one who raised me along with my siblings. I did not know but somewhere in my heart, I could feel that she would not be able to make peace with her. And, I was not expecting her to do that because her scenarios were different and maybe she was right at her place because my Maasi-ma was her father's mistress. And, she had spent a lot of time with her father. That was how she knew about him, her parents and all.

I was walking towards the meeting area and suddenly a voice of an attendee caught my attention.


I turned to look at him and he bent forward to wish me.


I questioned and he replied.

"Ranaji, Prince Agastya and Prince Ranvijay have arrived in the palace,"

Hearing him a slight peace and smile washed over my face and I said.

"Ask them to wait for me in the meeting hall,"

He nodded and I continued taking steps towards the meeting hall but before I thought of meeting the wounded soldiers first as I needed to keep a check on them too.

I went to the hospitable hall to meet the soldiers and after checking on them, I turned towards the meeting hall.

I entered the meeting hall and looked at them sitting on the couches.

"Ranvijay, Agastya,"

I said looking at my younger brothers and they smiled looking at me while standing up from the couches.

I took quick steps towards them and spread my arms to hug both of them.


Ranvijay said and looked at me from top to bottom.

"Ranaji... I must say now,"

He said and Agastya added.

"I hope you will not send us to jail after becoming the King,"

I smiled looking at my little brother and pulled him closer into a tight hug.

"No way, but I called you because now I have something important for both of you,"

I said and Agastya said with a slightly devilish smile.

"No way, I am not going to listen to anything before meeting Bhabhisa. I have heard about her beauty and the way she made you run after her head over heels,"

He laughed a little at the end and I looked at Ranvijay who looked a little seriously at him.

Alright, so Ranvijay was a serious man type while the youngest brother among us three, Agastya was a little fun-loving and childish. My mother passed giving him birth and he never knew what mother's love actually means, and that was why our Maasi-ma was important to us. Because she brought up all of us.

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