Chapter 2 - Crash

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As they approached their house, a waving man was waiting in their garden, Toshinori was back from hero work that his children didn't know about. Izuku stepped out to see his father's curious face, obviously asking what his quirk was, to which he put his hand on his arm and said "I'm quirkless."

The moment where his smile changed was obvious to Izuku, he was going to frown in disappointment at his son. "Dad! Dad! I got an awesome quirk, I can see inside's people's souls!" Izumi happily broke the incoming moment.

That made his father smile and look away. Izuku knew that he would get a reaction, but he didn't expect it to be that blunt.

"That's wonderful! You can become a great hero with such an ability, we're going to celebrate with your favorite meal tonight," said Toshinori. "Yaaay!!" Izumi yelled in happiness.

The dinner table was set with 3 plates, the smell of the kitchen carrying through the living room.

"Are you ready?" said Toshinori. A sharp nod came from Izumi as she held up her cutlery with a distinct smile. "Annnd... Ta-da!!" Inko said as he placed the pot on the table. The family was eating happily, Toshinori was suggesting ways to use her quirk for hero work and Inko talked about moral values.

Meanwhile in the corner of the room was an Izuku who was shocked to the very core. He was outcast so quickly by his family, he couldn't believe it, not even setting a dinner plate at the table.

Izuku decided to quietly leave his room, mouth still gaping open at what he saw.

"School might get harder then..." Izuku told himself as he went to bed with a shaky breath. He had a deep chill down his spine when thinking about school.

A couple of years pass

"WHY ARE YOU SO GODDAMN USELESS DEKU?" Kacchan yelled at an Izuku who was lying on the floor, covered in bruises. "Here are your damn nerd books," he said as searched through Izuku's bag. "How's it feel to be a quirkless loser?" taunted Kacchan as he blew up the "Hero notes" notebooks.

Katsuki Bakugo was Izuku's childhood friend, but ever since he found out Izuku was quirkless, he's become his number one bully.

Izumi was in a different class, so she was always on the other side of the playground. In addition to that, Izuku never would believe his sister would help him ever since, as he called it, the last hope.

It started 2 years ago, Izuku had already given up on trying to find his old friend that was called Kacchan. He also accepted the fact that his family would ignore him for the rest of his life, a hard decision for sure but one that was inevitable to him. This left him feeling empty, any happiness that he could gain was forcibly denied just because he lacked something he never chose to lack. He's never really felt alive except for the moments when Kacchan attacked him with enough force to make him bleed. The painful sensation of his veins bursting and leaking crimson fluid reminded him that he was, still, truly alive.

However, he got used to it.

He was starting to adapt to Kacchan's brutal tactics, as he would always go with the same parts of Izuku's body, he was getting used to it. This angered Izuku, as he was starting to feel less and less alive as memories blended and repeated with real life, not that he could force any anger out as an action anyways.

So to solve his problems, he snuck into the kitchen to grab a knife, then headed back to his room. From there, he did the deed he had never thought he would do and felt alive again. This could surely sustain him far longer, there are so many places a knife can cut after all.


"HUH!?!" Izuku yelled in surprise. Did a voice just ring in his head?


Izuku threw the knife to the other side of his room, who is this?


What is this? Does he have someone else in his mind?

Do it

No, Izuku didn't want to bleed out and die, he had enough for today.


NO! Who and why? Did he have some sort of... devil? In his head?

I'll do it then

Wait, what did it say?

We need to feel alive, it is not enough

An intense headache flooded his head, his hands started to slowly feel numb. Was this... entity... trying to take control of his body?

Izuku started panicking, he can't let this nameless thing take control of his body. How does he get it out!?



Her quirk peers into the soul, it could maybe drive away this... being. For the first time since the discovery of their quirks, will she finally listen to him?

Izuku ran to Izumi's room, twitching as this thing still was trying to take over.

In front of the door, covered in stickers, Izuku opened it to see if his sister was there, and there she was, studying at her desk for heroics.


"Quiet I need to study" a blunt response cut him off.




"IZUMI!" yelled Izuku.

Izumi stood up and went to her door, with a pissed expression at a child who she doesn't remember.

Izuku was slightly shorter as he bent his knees from struggle, a hand on his heart and his other arm completely numb.

His pained expression and messy hair clearly showed something wasn't right, but it was ignored by Izumi as she just stood there with her annoyed face.

"There's something wrong in my head and I need you to..."

Izumi kept her angry face.

"Save me... I don't know what's happening... I just heard a voice and-"

Izuku coughed before saying "Save me... from... My demons."


The door was shut, and so was Izuku's last hope.

Then Izuku drifted out of consciousness as everything faded to black.

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