Chapter 17 - USJ

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Bakugo POV

The blue-haired guitarist spoke up "Thank you to all! We, Soul metal, will return here in a month or so!" After that announcement the lead singer, with everyone else, came down from the stage and walked past the audience to get to the leaving door. Along the way, he overheard two familiar audience members talking.

"A month huh? Oh, we have a trip to do before that." The blonde teen spoke to the redhead. "To that building the school owned?" "Yeah, I think it was called... USJ?"

The lead singer smiled at the info, then he stepped out of the venue. "That was awesome, Rufiji! You really killed it with the last verse" the blue-haired guitarist known as Kenban said. "Yeah, that felt like someone else at the microphone there!" the red-haired bassist known as Eikyo said. "Whatever, just leave me alone for now." "Nu-uh! Remember what I said?" "Oh, yeah, why the hell did you do that Kenban?! You want me to write it again?" Kenban pulled a sarcastic smile "Yup!" "Ugh, fine, I'll write it."

"Yeah sure, I'll send you it once I get ideas, you come up with the rest." "As planned then!" Rufiji sighed and walked in the opposite direction of them, deeper into the alleyway.

Who's going to write this one?




You got any ideas for a song?

Oh hell yes! I've got one that's bittersweet revenge

Alright that it will be then.


USJ huh?

We'll be able to finally visit the area close to it then, all the guards will be off-duty since the pros will be there. Lucky us.

Izumi POV

After the battle trials, our next big heroics class is visiting a place called USJ. At the start of the day, there was a small incident with the press somehow breaking through the gates of U.A. I guess Dad being here is a sort of double-edged sword.

"Hey Izumi, what did you inspire your hero outfit from?" Mina asked. "Oh uhh... It was kind of a mix between All Might and the UA sports uniform?" "Really? You didn't think of anything else?!" "Well.. no." "Oh, that's a shame! I thought someone like you would have a massive list of ideas you had to sift through." "Well, what about yours then?!" Mina pouted and looked at the bus window, "...I just thought it looked cool..." "What was that?" "Nothing! Look, we're soon arriving!"

The bus stopped in front of a massive door with a gold label USJ at the top of it. Stepping through, I could see pieces of the world brought together in this massive hall. At the front of it all was a set of stairs, and in front of them was someone in an astronaut costume, Thirteen!

She gave a proper introduction to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint and its purpose. After the speech was over, suddenly, Aizawa just stood guarding. Then, we saw a black misty spiral opening at the bottom of the stairs. "Thirteen you guard the kids," Aizawa bluntly spoke and Thirteen followed the order immediately. "What's going on?" Kaminari asked. "These are villains, they just infiltrated the facility," Thirteen answered. "What!? Like actual villains?!" "Yes. Don't worry, let the pros handle it."

Through the misty portal, dozens of villains came through with various weapons. Aizawa prepared himself and slipped on his goggles, then he began to confront all of them at once. During the fight, a man of small stature came out of the portal and he was covered in hands. Even though we were at the top of the stairs, we heard him clearly say "Maybe if I kill a couple he'll come out?"

Immediately after that Thirteen ordered us to go outside, but the entrance was blocked by the mist. A pair of yellow eyes formed at the top of it and said "We are the League of Villains and our goal is to kill the symbol of peace." Most of the class including me was frightened but Katsuki and the red-haired kid immediately went on the attack. "IN YOUR DREAMS!" Katsuki yelled but his quirk's explosion only dissipated the smoke slightly, while the other kid's punch disappeared into nothingness.

The mist spoke again, "There are too many here, you should leave."

As soon as he said that, I started to sink into the ground. I tried to scream but before I could even speak I fell through the darkness onto a... boat? "Is anyone else here?" I looked around before I saw the water the boat was on was full of villains. "Look out! Ribbit." I turned to see a frog figure holding something at the end of her tongue jumping aboard. "Asui!" "Just call me Tsu, anyways, did you see where we are?" "Yeah, it's the flood zone." "That tells me that they aren't very organized if they sent me to a place like this instead of the burning buildings over there -ribbit." "That's true."

It was at this moment that I noticed a shaking Mineta biting his finger as he lay on the ground. "Minoru are you ok?" "V-V-Villains, V-V-Villains, V-V-Villains," he was scared to the bone.


One of the villains attacked the ship, it's only a matter of time until it falls apart. I need a strategy, quick! "Any ideas Yagi?" "I can't think of anything! Water... waterfalls... waves... torrent... A torrent...? Tsu how far can you jump!?" She thought for a little bit, "Not far enough to escape the water and the villains will just hunt us then -ribbit." "Ok, I've got an idea."


As soon as the villains attacked the ship again, I jumped out. Just like the quirk test, I push all the energy on my finger and snap downwards. At the same time, Mineta jumped and threw as many grape balls as he could. The result was a downward spiral created by the wind pressure of a One For All smash mixed with sticky parts that slowly glued all the villains together in the center. "Tsu now!" She grabbed Mineta and me with her tongue and jumped as high as she could.

The danger was over now, "that was really impressive -ribbit." We jumped away from the eye of the spiral and since all the villains were stuck in the center, Tsu could swim away with us.

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