Chapter 16 - Audience

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Ochaco POV

As soon as Izumi told me to, I ran to the edge of the building where the stairs are located. I ran up, and the next floor was the same as below, it was another maze.

A feeling of dread started to go over me as I ran to try and find the next set of stairs. I was scared that Izumi would lose, and that Bakugo would then climb up.


That sound did not inspire much confidence, but I just had to keep moving forward.

Now over to the final set of stairs, I climb up and turn the corner to see Ida seemingly practicing poses and muttering to himself.

"Beware, hero! No that's not good- Stand down Hero! Yeah that's better"

With utmost effort, I sneakily crawl behind the first pillar. He hasn't noticed me yet.

I continued crawling to another, and once again he didn't stop. I go on and on until I'm right behind the pillar near the bomb. I try to reach out to touch the base, then- *Snatch*

"Hah! Hero! You thought you could get past me?! I only preTENded not to see you!" In his extravagant acting, he took the bomb and ran to the edge of the room.

I tried to run after him but to no avail, I can't match up to his speed quirk.

"Bakugo! What's happening down there?!" "Shut up and protect the bomb!"

Ida sighs and looks back at me again.

The villains win in 4 minutes!

"Give up now Hero! I've cleared this entire floor of any objects you could use!" I look around and confirm what he said, the floor is completely clean.

I tried to contact Izumi in panic, "Izumi!? Izumi! Can you hear me?"


No reply, she has to still be busy with Bakugo. I tried to think of anything I could do, but there aren't any objects anywhere, and I can't catch up to him!

For the next 3 minutes, it was a game of cat and mouse and I had no chance of winning. I was already breathing heavily and I'm out of stamina.

In the distance, I heard someone, "Ochaco! Are you okay!?"

I turn to see... Izumi!?

"Yagi!? Did you defeat Bakugo!?" Ida yelled out. "Ochaco! Help me corner him!"

I nodded and with newfound strength, we both started to try and corner Ida.

Ida was quick, but I believe that we could make better use of the space, the bomb is far too big for him to leave the room and he has to be careful not to get it stuck between pillars if he tries to move in something other than straight lines.

"Right!" I yelled and we both moved to block him off in a corner. He was now stuck.

Left and right he turned his head for an escape, but we came from both sides and started to slowly approach...

Time's up! The villain team wins!

Bakugo POV

Ugh, my head...

What the hell happened...?

Wait! The fight! Izumi! Where-

Everyone may come back to the platform! The game is over!

Wait. It's over?

What happened? The last thing I remembered was Izumi coming up to me with her hand... and then...

I immediately ran back to the platform and saw that everyone was there discussing things.

"Wait who won!?" I yelled out.

Everyone turned to me, and All Might said "The villain team! By timeout."


"You were hit by Izumi's quirk and then you were knocked out for the rest of the game."

"WHAT!? I THOUGHT THAT-" I immediately looked at Izumi and she gave me a guilty smile.

I grinned in return, "Nice going... you will never have that chance again, now I'm sure I know your quirk."

Eventually, it was the end of the day. I packed my bags and started to walk out of the campus before I got called out by someone. "Hey! Bakugo!"

I turned to see the guy with the shittiest hair from before, I think his quirk was harden or something. "What is it, shitty hair?" "Quit calling me that! I wanted to invite you to a concert!"

This guy suddenly got more interesting, "oh? Whose?" "It's not an individual band, it's more a venue where a bunch of people is playing, although the theme is rock." The proposition is not bad... although it would only be cool if it was soon. "When is it?" "Is that a Yes? It's tonight." "Fuck yeah, I'll accept that." "Yeah! Ok, meet me here..."

After everything was planned, I made my way home and immediately went to change outfits, that uniform is suffocating. "Where are you going at this hour!" Mom screamed at me before I managed to get away. "A classmate invited me to see some bands." She had a smirk on her face, "oh so you can make friends! Go on, and don't lose him!" I slammed the door and started to run to our meeting spot.

It took half an hour, but I eventually reached the venue. It was located in a fairly urban area but it's styled to look like a back alleyway type of deal, which was honestly awesome. "Bakugo! Over here!" I heard his familiar voice and saw shitty hair again. Actually, he's less shitty in his civilian clothes than in his hero costume, that's for sure. "Alright where' we going?" "This way."

We went through a bunch of hallways until we got to the showroom we were looking for. It wasn't empty, but it wasn't full either, which goes to show that people don't like new things.

A couple of minutes later after we sat down, the first band finally arrived.

The first person to come out was a guy with short black hair, he came in with 2 sticks and was behind the drums. The next person was another guy with long black hair, he just went behind the keyboard. Then two people came out with an electric and a bass guitar, one had blue hair and the other had red hair. The last person, who came in with a microphone, was covered with a white hood. Despite that, he was about as tall as the others and had white hair sticking out.

"I can't fucking believe you actually made me come here" "What do you mean? You wrote the lyrics, so you should sing it" "Not you- oh, I didn't write them for me to sing!- Ugh whatever."

Ignoring their chatter, they were now finally ready to play.

"This better be worth it shitty hair." "Trust me, I've heard some real gold here sometimes."

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