Chapter 11 - Demonstration

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Here it is. Here it is! HERE IT IS!

UA high!

I'm actually here!

This is the best day of my life.

--5 minutes later-

This is the worst day of my life.

Who thought that making the school hallways all identical was a good idea? I'm so lost!


"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm just a bit lost and I wasn't looking, forward..."

I bumped into a man that looked like a reusable coffee cup, with a gray top.

"Don't worry about it, what was your candidate number?"

"N. 241?"

"Wait for a second... Are you Yagi?"


"Oh, then you just go there and right, the first door there."

"Thank you! What's your name?"

"You can call me Aizawa, known for kicking out all classes at once, see ya later"

I left while hearing a chuckle behind me, I should be careful with how I act around that teacher...

I made my way following his instructions until I saw a door with the sign 1-A. The top heroics class! I'm very excited.

I took a deep breath and pushed the door, I have to make sure I give a good first impression of myself to these elite students.

"Don't put your feet on the table!" "Shut up four-eyes!"

"Yeah, so I turn stupid when I shock myself too much" "I feel like we have similar interests, wanna be my helper-peeper?"

"Are you Yagi?"

Through all the chaotic conversations I heard my name from a brown-haired girl.


"Oh, you are!" The girl shook my hand, "I just wanted to thank you for saving me on the entrance exam."

"Oh it wasn't that big of a deal, I should thank you for saving me afterward," I responded with a smile.

"Is your arm ok? It looked awful," she was talking about the backlash from using dad's quirk. It's still so much power, my body can't handle it yet even if I trained.

"Do you work out?" she asked.


"When I shook your hand, I can tell it was very strong."

"Well thanks, but... what's your name?"

"Oh, where are my manners? My name is Uraraka Ochaco," she said with a big smile.

"I'm Yagi Izumi."

As soon as I said that, I felt a gaze and turned to see Bakugo who was looking straight at me. I just smiled at him. Of course, he got into the hero course with no issue.

"10 seconds" a voice came from nowhere.

I looked to see the teacher from earlier standing in front of the whiteboard, how long had he been there?

"10 seconds and no one noticed me, not promising. Now go to your seats."

We quickly just went with whatever was free, I did not want to piss this teacher off, even if he looked to be the caffeine hero.

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