Chapter 29 - Superimposed

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"Izumi what are you doing?" asked Mina. "Oh! Perfect timing! Could I use my quirk on you?" "Your quirk? Why?" "Well, I already trained for one part of it, but I need someone else for the other." "Oh right... Your quirk always baffles me with what it can do... Sure! Tell me what it's like!" Both the girls sat down and Izumi placed her hand on Mina's forehead.

Izumi entered the plane she was all too familiar with in seconds. She took a look around and fell into what looked like a swamp. She stood on top of one of the many small dirt islands that littered the sea. Where could the exit be? She thought to herself and climbed up the tree she was under. She looked on the horizon and saw nothing different as usual, only after squinting a bit did she recognize a familiar gray-green top. That looks like her acid. Climbing back down, she began to slowly jump from each island, ever etching close to the point of interest. However, once 5 minutes had passed, she began to hear a rumble.

She turned around to see the water level had risen, not only that but there was a part of the water that dimly lit up. Curious, she slowly dipped her finger in it, but as soon as it touched the water, she knew she needed to run.


Behind her came a monster, geometrically formed, it was made of acid and easily 15 meters tall. Its imposing teeth let a chill run down Izumi's spine, she did not want to stay here long. She began to run, and run she did, using her improved agility she easily jumped between all the dirt patches and picked up speed quite quickly. However when she quickly took a peek back at the monster, it wasn't further away, it was closer. The pure fear she felt caused her to stumble and fall into the water, the last sight she saw was the abominous mass crashing down on her, with nothing left but silence...




"Izumi! Izumi! Are you alright!?" Mina was desperately holding her friend by her head. "I'm... what happened?" Izumi responded in a granny and tired voice. "I don't know, I felt pretty calm... but you looked like you were having a panic attack!" As she looked around, she saw that both Yaoyorozu and Ochaco were there as well. She sighed, "I guess I still need practice."

Over the course of a few days, she continued her physical training at the forest camp, often switching using her original quirk on friends and practicing One For All. While she had success in one, Soul field wasn't really a quirk that could be improved upon, at least not in any way she knew. She managed to successfully break out of Shoto, Katsuki, Yaoyorozu, and Ochaco's soul field, but Mina's was still inescapably hard. (Also trying to convince her that this did not mean she was a monster was a frequent issue)

After a few days, she gave her final attempt.

"Alright, here we go."

As soon as I landed in the swamp I immediately looked to the goal in sight, the acid volcano. Just as before, I ran again, as fast as I could before the monster woke up.


There it is, no need to look back, keep moving forwards. Island to island I was nearing my record of 12 minutes of purely running. I dodged dirt patches that looked unstable and always made sure to look three meters forwards.

Suddenly the rustling of water stopped.

I kept running for two minutes before slowing down and turning around to see that the monster had vanished. I was stunned for a bit, had I actually managed to outrun it? It's weird... nothing much has changed since my last attempts.

Then, the day dimmed, as if a shadow came over it. I looked up and saw... a tree!

At first, it landed just in front of me but then I saw that there was now a rain of trees approaching fast. I tried to run but they would land in front of me, blocking my path. I eventually started getting cornered. The trees had created an enclosure and it was getting smaller and smaller, so I began to panic.

If only there was some way I could get out of here! If only there were a way I could... break through it all!


Is it possible..?

An idea suddenly appeared in my head, it seemed ludicrous but maybe, just maybe...

I pulled my hand back and formed it into a fist, I then started to focus just as I did in the real world, and the blue marks began to show. Detroit.... SMASH!

A gust of wind akin to a hurricane flew past in a flash and decimated the landscape. The swamp from before split like the red sea as if a very act of god came through.

That was... a 100% Detroit smash...

I've never done that with my full arm before.

It doesn't even... it didn't even hurt!

Is it because I'm not really physical?

Does that mean I can use One For All without consequence?!

This realization was groundbreaking, One For All made one man into a symbol and upheaved an entire society from anarchy. That very same power could now be wielded without any backlash.

Immediately I had to try out something, could I use One For All full cowling at 100%?

As soon as I began to, my muscles felt like they were vibrating to a point of snapping, had this been real, I could have crippled myself for the rest of my life. Now though, they couldn't, and so with just one small movement, I launched forwards at close to 30 meters per second. The very few times I had to take another step, it created a ripple akin to a boulder falling in the water.

This is... incredible

The trees are a blur and I can only focus forwards

For the first time, I can see the surface of the volcano clearly!

I ran forwards at full speed, nothing could stop me anymore. If there was a tree, I would jump over it. If there was a large mass in the way, I just needed to flick my hands to destroy it. I felt like a juggernaut, an unstoppable force.

The distant goal that became a humiliatingly easy endeavor, I got to the top of the volcano in minutes. From there, the exit was easy to find.


I woke up to see Mina still with her eyes closed with my hand over them, smiling gleefully.

"Did- Did you do it?" Ochaco asked me.

"I just figured out something amazing-" "Did you use your quirk?"

I was shocked at her question, "How did- you know?"

"I saw the blue lines appear on your arm and body."

It seems that whatever I do in the soul field, my body reacts, well, I'm lucky my muscles didn't rip.

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