Chapter 3 - Estrangement & Riven minds

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"H-HUH!" Izuku woke up on his bed and breathed heavily, was it a dream? Did the entity take control?

A sigh of relief came out as he was happy to be alive, then he looked down.



That entity did take control, he was the origin of all these new cuts. This made Izuku think back at how that entity said it wasn't enough, was there a number he needed to reach? Or is he just insane?


The next night, he did the deed again, as the scarlet blood came down his arm and into the towel, he thought to himself 'Enough?'


So that was it, the entity was part of his subconscious that must know his desires, that voice knows what he needs, and will achieve it. It wasn't all bad, he simply knows has someone to check with when he needs to be alive. He thought that he just wasted his time that night, but it did help him know something.

All hope was lost with his family.

Back to the present, Izuku was beaten by Kacchan and was ready to leave, but something that he didn't expect happened.

"Oh my god! you need to go to the nurse!" a parent had told him as he came outside the school territory.

Izuku tried to ignore and move away but this parent was persistent, and just dragged him in front of the school nurse's office. Since this parent was waiting behind the door, Izuku accepted his fate and stepped inside.

Luckily for him, the nurse was mute, meaning he didn't have to worry about the parent hearing or seeing behind the foggy glass.

He got treated for his marks, earning looks of disappointment in the process. However the worst thing happened, she found out about his supply for the will to live. He was scolded through a whiteboard, saying how she could tell that the marks had been there for a long time, and how more were fresh. She finished by writing that she was going to send a letter to his parents to warn them. Izuku didn't worry about it, since his parents don't check the mail and probably would ignore anything with his name anyway.

As he stepped outside covered in bandages, the parent seemed proud of themselves and left. Straight after they left, Izuku ripped off the bandages and shoved them in the trash can.

Walking home, loud sounds were coming from an area that smelled kind of smokey. When he followed the trail, he saw a sludge monster attacking a familiar face, did that look like... Katsuki Heroes were standing around not doing much, and Katsuki didn't really show any signs of fear either. *sigh* He didn't need to save his bully, he already lost his use after Izuku stopped feeling new pain from him.

A hero always helps.

What...? Was that a voice? In his head?... Again? It didn't sound like the entity that checked up on how alive he needed to be, this... this was new.

Time for a rescue!

An intense headache was starting to fill his head, did this person also want to take control of him? Oh no, and it wants to play the hero? This is bad but... what can he do?

'Hopefully, this guy doesn't do something dumb' Izuku thought to himself as he slowly closed his eyes.


"H-HUH!" Izuku managed to regain control in an alleyway.

"What the hell happened?" Izuku asked himself as he didn't see any prominent injuries on any of his limbs.

Then suddenly, memories started to enter his head.

"Kacchan! I'll save you!" "I can get out on my own!" "Don't run in! Let the heroes do the work!"


Izuku forcefully stopped himself from his train of thought, he had acted like a hero.

He put his hand on his face and frowned, why did the other being do this? If they come from his subconscious, does that mean he still wanted to be a... hero?

No that couldn't be it, Izuku abandoned his dream so long ago. He couldn't still have the desire to do it.




Well, there is no point dwelling on the past since he can expect a scolding from his father today, he did work in a hero agency after all, and the quirkless are not allowed to intervene in dangerous situations.

Izuku entered through the door and prepared his ears...

But the scolding never came.

Izuku looked around to see a barren house with no one... Did it happen?

Did his family finally leave him for good?

Izuku felt a slight joy that he could start cutting without the worry of being found out, but then he heard a noise.

A garage door.

Izuku sighed at the reality, his family was just out for the day, probably at some sort of amusement park.

Another week passes.

Nothing has changed for Izuku, he still went to school, got bullied, came home and did the deed, cleaned up, and slept until tomorrow. The news story of him trying to save Katsuki wasn't really relevant, apart from the media having another excellent source of why the quirkless shouldn't engage in combat.

Eventually, the letter warning about his self-harm did come, but he made sure to take it and rip it to shreds before anyone else found out.

The pattern was manageable to Izuku and the days started to blur together.

There was only one time when the time felt slow again, and it was when he had a small conversation with the beings in his mind, although it used some... unconventional methods.

The haze then picked up again... until another day.

Izuku was making his way through the city, walking into dark alleyways so he wouldn't have to meet anyone. Human connections weren't really at the top of his list when he needed to worry about managing 2 other people in his head and tolerating the feeling of staying near his backstabbing family.

The first only ever comments when Izuku brings out the knife, meanwhile the second is persistently annoying, trying to get him to save people at any opportunity.

As he was coming out of another alley, he saw someone to the left of his sight...

All Might?

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