Chapter 34 - Shock

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Out of a toy shop, a man wearing something more like a plague doctor's mask came out with a box that was really pink. I have no idea why on earth he would need that, apart from maybe him being a father, or the birthday of a cousin coming up, so I followed him.

He seemed mostly annoyed, fumbling with the box to hold it in a comfortable position while looking at his phone. I couldn't clearly hear him over the cars driving by, but that's what I gleaned from his movements. He continued straight for about 10 minutes before going through an alleyway behind a fancy house. Looking over from the other side, I saw him press a couple of buttons next to a door encased in a metal grid, upon which a new door opened and he stepped through. After it closed, I jumped down.

As I looked at it, the door was quite strange, what is the point of a door that you can't exit- *Click*

My heart dropped.

A small child with white hair ran through the door and collided with the grid. She then sat in the corner of it, and began to cry.

After slowly approaching behind her, I brought my hand inside the grid, and placed it on her forehead. Her head was feverishly warm and her hair felt stiff. She then looked up at me, cherry eyes filled with fear, then quickly backed away.

I didn't move

Who... are you?

Why... are suffering so?

Why... why?


I held out my hand in an open palm, staying still. She stared at me intensely

"Are you...alright?"

She stayed silent.

The girl then shivered slightly as I moved my hand back onto my helmet and began fiddling with it.


The girl now looked in awe due to our similar hair color, mesmerized as mine stretched out to breathe from its confinement. I never acknowledged it before, but this color does reflect light to the point where it looks like it glows a little.


The voice was quiet and soft, as if her mouth itself restricted the sounds that could come out.

"Do you- Do you want to come closer?"

Unconsciously, I used my voice, the one that had stayed repressed behind the helmet for so long. I didn't know why, but maybe it was because I let go of my only cover already.

The girl then approached and reached her hand out to touch my hair, at the same time, I was lifting my arms to grab her. Who knows how long it's been since she felt a genuine embrace?


My arms....

They're heavy. They're wet. No. They're monstrous.

I can't, I'll crush this flower, I'll hurt it.

I need to- She needs someone- else, someone who isn't me.

Someone, who is... a hero.

It hurts. But, I can't save her.

"Listen..." I spoke in a voice so quiet I didn't even know if she could hear me. "I can't save you now, my arms... my hands... I can't." "..." "But I will find someone, someone with kind arms, someone who will save you, I promise. Just, hold on to hope... a little longer."

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