Chapter 42 - Clash of the minds

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I landed...flat on my face and was unable to see, I could still move my arms but I held no sense of direction. I flailed them around until my tactile senses could recognize the ground, and then I pulled myself out. I landed in a pile of tense snow, something you would only see during the harshest winters. Apart from feeling plainly uncomfortable, it took far too much energy to get out of it. As I rubbed my eyes to see clearly, I could only clearly see that the room was dark, dark, and unnerving.

Next to me was a tree, one with dark oak coloring. Its branches fell immediately as I touched it, it must've been dead for a long time... and how could blame it? There was a perpetual snowstorm that would raze any life from forming. Brrr, the chill is getting to me, even if I can't feel it. I tried to trek through the dead forest, but there was nothing indicating any way forward, each step felt arduous and painful. The wind howled like pack wolves calling to attack their meal simultaneously, it felt as if nature itself rejected any organism here.


A flicker appeared in front of my eyes for a moment, it was to my...right.


Straight ahead now, these flickers are the only thing different in this environment.

Once more.

I'm following them, I don't know why, but I am.

It gets brighter.

The wind felt stronger than before, I now must be in its opposite direction.

I just noticed now the flickers came from the snow itself, all the fine particles were reflecting in one direction.

I kept going.


After a short while, the flickers became a permanent luminance, a cold white guiding light. It brought me out of the thick layer of snow to a very thin one that was carved out like a path, it felt inviting in a twisted way. At the same time, the howling winds died down a bit and it felt less chilly, this must be the correct path.

I continued to walk and walk as there was no end in sight, with only all of these dead trees to accompany me. The light had dimmed to nothingness as well, it began as soon as I found this path. Perhaps I could use One For All to make things go faster? No, I should only do that if I know the area well enough.


Was that... someone else? I heard something unnatural.

Humm~ Humm~

Not directly on the path, but close nearby. I could hear someone humming... a song? I tried to come closer but there was a hill rising in that direction so it was a little tougher with the high snow. Yet the voice drew me in, I could hear it being carried by the wind.

Oh sibling, oh sibling is this what you asked for?

For me to be broken and beaten and lying, on the floor?

My curiosity was too strong, although it's justified, I don't know anything around here that could sing... Was it a memory?

Never seeing again, never breathing again

Never considering myself human... anymore?

There were only a few words that were audible since the wind is fiercer when deviating from the path.

Humm~ Humm~

I'm almost up, the voice is becoming clearer, again... it felt weirdly like a deja-vu.

Oh family! oh family, is this what you wanted?

Leaving me to these voices, feeling so haunted?

What... is that? I'm looking down into a small area with three... shadowy figures. Two of them were tearing themselves apart, flailing wildly like beasts.

Fuck these gifts! fuck this world!

I approached a bit closer while holding myself to a tree to try and take a closer look. I could now only hear loud grunts from the two that were fighting, the other one was just... watching. It stared at the sky while sitting on a log.

Fuck everything that has to do with- *crack*

I accidentally stepped on a branch, I hope that didn't- oh no...

All of them... Are looking at me... 3 pairs of glowing eyes, red, green, and grey. I feel... fear. I need to run.

I need to run. They're chasing me, they're running like wolves. They're catching up.


The wind is flowing behind me and I can feel killing intent. What kind of place is this?! The soul field is supposed to be a dream palace of whoever's subconscious! This feels like a horror movie!


I screamed as the white eyes appeared right in front of me from behind a tree and stopped me dead in my tracks.


With a vice-like grip, he grabbed my neck and held it tightly, it started to get difficult to breathe... despite- me- being- in a dream-?

It's- It's...


What.. is this?


From an outsider's perspective, they had been waiting for around 5 minutes. The solemn silence was supplied with minor chatter mostly between the big three, Aizawa and the nurse were monitoring some vitals they had access to. "Their beat is increasing," said Recovery Girl, "She is also looking a bit nervous." Aizawa didn't pay much mind, he had observed her use her quirk during the forest training camp and it seemed that no application was smooth sailing. "Let's just trust Izumi."

Once the name was uttered, an unsettling feeling suddenly fell over everyone in the room, a shiver ran down everyone's back. The big three glanced at each other and then back at Aizawa, no one was sure where this feeling came from. Then, a quiet, but deafening whimper, took everyone's attention. In a sudden movement, Fist's hand was around Izumi's neck, as if they were wide awake. Both of them were unconscious, but, somehow, Fist instinctively moved to protect themself.

"What the hell is happening?" "What do we do!?" "She's gonna get strangled!" regurgitated the big three in rapid succession, no one was expecting this. Aizawa quickly took hold of his capture weapon, he yelled "Stand back!" and wrapped it around Fist's arm, tightening it until they released their grasp. Recovery Girl immediately ran to Izumi as she was breathing heavily, her eyes were wide open and her neck was red. "Izumi! Breathe! In, out, in, out." Aizawa was still shocked by what he saw, but nothing prepared him for the next event in which Fist shivered... and stood up.

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