Chapter 35 - Incrimination

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"Here is the report on the meeting between the League of Villains and the Shie Hassaikai," said Bubble Girl. I quickly flicked through it all and only read the bold text. "Unsuccessful negotiations?" "Yes, sir. There was blood and dust left around their meeting spot." "Hmm..."

"Unsatisfactory humor." "Excuse me, sir?" "To the tickle machine with you." "What but-" *Knock* *Knock*

That didn't come from the door, that was the window. Behind it was a dark figure that placed a sheet of paper on the balcony, then quickly disappeared from my sight. "What was that?" said Bubble Girl on high alert, "Punishment comes first." I said as I took her to the tickle machine, "But sir! How would I add humor to- ahaHHAaHAHA-"

With priorities done, I went outside to grab the sheet of paper that the vigilante left behind. "This location... evening... tonight" It seems like a negotiation meeting, this would be useful to gather some information on the vigilante. *Knock* *Knock* Another one, this time from the door.

In came a young girl with green hair, I remember her being mentioned by All Might, his daughter Izumi.

As scripted, she tried to get my stamp while not accurately proving her capabilities and so I should repeat that One For All has a better successor than her. "And so you become reckless when your plan fails, unimpressive," I stated as time was up. "It's hard to avoid all the 10-Year Anniversary Commemorative All Might Hero Tapestry at this speed!" "Hmm?"

I looked around the room and realized indeed that all the merchandise was untouched, did she do this at this speed? While evaluating countermeasures and managing emotions? I seem to have misjudged. "Well, if I lost anyways, could I ask why you wanted me to get the stamp but avoid that one paper?" "Oh, this? This was a note left behind by Fist." "Fist?! That vigilante? How would you know?!" "A hero agency is not ignorant enough to not know what common outlaws wander the streets nearby-"

"Hey! Is the interview over!?" asked Mirio as he opened the door. "Yes, Izumi's employed." "What?! But I didn't even get the stamp!?" "I never said I would not give the stamp if you failed." "..." "Come back tomorrow, there will be a proper day's work."

I shooed her off quite rapidly, but it was mostly due to the intrigue of receiving this note. The vigilante in question is quite unorthodox with its actions, working for good and the ugly. As well, it held no known external contacts, and its interactions with heroes typically end in his favor. To receive a direct call to action from it is an opportunity that must be seized. "Bubble Girl." "Yes, sir!?" "Get a micro microphone and a local localizer, I will be running my own investigation tonight."


Now in the evening, I followed the instructions of the vigilante and came to the alleyway leading to a court. As I approached, I began to hear loud noises that sounded like a violent exchange. Once the court was in view, I saw that I was right. There was Fist, fighting with two other members of the Shie Hassaikai. What looked to be a brawler and a shield creator. "FUCK OFF WITH THAT SHIELD, TENGAI!" yelled Fist, "YEAH I WANT A FIGHT NOT A ONE-SIDED BEATDOWN, TENGAI!" yelled one of the thugs. "Quiet you idiot! Our job is to kill him! We take advantage of every skill available!" "REAL MEN FIGHT WITH THEIR STRENGTH TO WIN! THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE DOING, I WANT TO FIGHT THEM!" Assessing the situation from here, Fist looks to be an equal match to the brawler but can't get a hit in due to the barrier that forms as soon as they try to take a swing. They mostly dodges all attacks until they find an opening, that's then immediately taken away.

In an instant, it seems that they made eye contact with me, turning their head in my general direction, before turning back to the fight. "Alright, time to break it," said Fist, then charging forwards toward the shield creator and shattering the wall in a single punch, with an unforgettable sound as the impact landed. "WHAT?!" screamed the shield creator in horror as he was knocked out instantaneously by a swift chop. "NOW WE FIGHT!" bellowed the brawler in excitement, "Soon" replied Fist as they jumped back out of sight. "WHAT!? I THOUGHT WE BOTH WANTED THIS!" said the brawler disappointingly, "WHERE ARE YOU?!"


The sudden voice shocked me as I turned around to see that Fist had somehow gotten to me without my notice. Not to mention the voice itself was completely different from just now. "If you want your investigation to go anywhere, stay. The fuck. Down." I immediately nodded at them. "Good." was the last thing they said before jumping back onto the court. Now the battle had turned into a real slugfest, with both sides exchanging extremely strong blows that would surely crater concrete. Past all the loud blows, I began to hear Fist asking questions. "Hey! What do you guys do that needs bodyguards this strong!" "What do you mean! We're- criminals!" yelled the other as he knocked down a tree. Fist then comes up next to him and releases a bright flashing light into his face from his hands, that has to be his quirk!

"Oh yeah!? I've never seen drug manufacturers with this kind of security before..." "Shut up about that! It's the thing I hate the most about it! Drugs to boost your quirks... why don't you train for a living instead and make that permanent?!" It was at this point that I realized Fist had deliberately planned this situation, by calling me and skilfully asking these questions, they were incriminating the Shie Hassaikai. "Neither that nor those blood bullets are fair right?" Fist said as they blocked a powerful punch and charged forward again. "I don't know much about that... Boss just says they're the "cure for the sick," whatever that means." responded the thug as he charged forwards as well. Both of them collided with the force of a shockwave, upon which they jumped back and mirrored each other by throwing a punch that touched either one's knuckles. "What are you doing in here then?" "I lost a bet! Now I work here, but apart from moving crap around, there's no thrill! There's no fighting! That's why I'm glad you're... HERE!" At the last word, the thug managed to punch Fist in the chest, sending them back a couple of meters. "That's great, I'm happy as well. Unfortunately... I've been told to end this now, so... GOODBYE!" Once they yelled, Fist suddenly seemed a lot more threatening, as if an aura formed from bloodlust and hatred, driving them mad. They moved faster than before and hit the thug in the face so hard that he was tumbling on his feet. Compared to before, this means that Fist's strength must surpass him. They then turned around and were going to punch him before a yellow barrier emerged, pushing them away. "*Huff* *puff*, God, damn, vigilante." The thug from before woke up again, "You didn't say- anything did you!?" he said to the other one. "YOU'RE TOO STUBBORN TO ANSWER MY GOD DAMN QUESTIONS!" bellowed Fist as they continually punched the barrier. "Well good, at least no info got out, we need to retreat." "OHHH, YOU COWARDS! I'M OUT OF HERE" said Fist as they turned around towards another alleyway and left my sight.

After some time, the thugs left the premises as well, and so did I.

Now thinking through it, this was a masterful scheme Fist created. They single-handedly gave me all the confirmations I needed to file a police raid based on suspicions. The way they conducted it as well... they must be an incredible judge of character, adjusting their personality to answer the questions they wanted. They must have become an incredible detriment to the Shie Hassaikai for them to personally send their men after their head, risking their life for sure. It may be just due to how they work, but this could also indicate the seriousness of the situation. Whatever the case may be, I have to be incredibly thankful for their efforts. At this point, I only need a few days.

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