Chapter 28 - Stampede

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The heroes immediately got into the action as Lemillion escaped to the buildings to check for any civilians. Nejire took to the sky and began to pressure the giant. Tamaki was standing in the back, paying attention to the surroundings. With this organization, the vigilante was able to attack on his own. He charged forward to the giant's leg and climbed it to his ankle before something caught his eye. In the building next door, under the billboard, a gleam was visible.

Instinctively, he jumped forward, yelling at Nejire. Confused, she stood still and so the vigilante had to grab her leg and forcibly push her out of the line of sight of- *BANG*

The big three immediately turned and saw the end of a sniper rifle smoking at the top of the building, before its user was knocked out by the vigilante throwing a rock at him. "Are you ok?!" Lemillion yelled as he ran to the vigilante's side. "I won't die to something like this, now get back there before he crushes more civilians," the vigilante scoffed despite the wound severely bleeding. He charged forward once again and started to punch and kick other parts of the giant in rapid succession. Lemillion followed, using his quirk to launch himself at its head, with Nejire hitting more areas in an effort to get him to stumble and fall.

The fight raged on for several minutes as the giant refused to give up. He had now crushed several buildings and there still wasn't anyone else other than those hero students and Izuku. Throughout the battle, the vigilante used his flashing hands to try and stun the villain, but it was no help, he resorted to just delivering as many bruises as possible. Then, in one instance, Lemillion made a mistake.

Exhausted by the time the fight had dragged out, he stopped his quirk for a moment to take a breath. Unfortunately, he made himself visible to the giant. The giant lifted his foot right above Lemillion and all he saw was death. He closed his eyes to brace, but then he felt a pull, something pulled him out from the shadow. He opened his eyes to see that it was the vigilante, at the last second, he pulled his cape back and got pulled into it himself.


Silence fell as soon as he put his foot down until the villain laughed maniacally. "Crushing bugs should stay crushed!"

None of the big three were moving and Lemillion himself was shaking at what he saw. The absolute certainty of the "hero's" death was looming over him.



"MPf!?" The giant grunted.

His foot started slowly lifting, his confusion indicated that it wasn't him. Lemillion quickly ducked under and couldn't believe what he saw, the hero was lifting that mass. His arms were shaking but with pure will, he lifted himself off of death. At the same time, the three saw a gleam through the hero and they realized that he still had the bullet wound, he was still fighting.

The hero jumped back immediately from the footprint as the giant stumbled back, "Shit that hurt a lot." The hero noticed that the battle had stopped and so he immediately yelled "Stop looking at me and occupy the giant!"

"I... I apologize for messing up," Lemillion sufferingly spoke. The Hero gave one look in his eyes and spoke in one tone "Go. You're a Hero. Don't worry about me." Lemillion flinched in hearing the statement but immediately turned around again, "I- I won't make the same mistake."

Well these are certainly active youth, aren't they?

They can use their quirks well...

It hurts...

Red, what are you doing?


Suddenly, the big three collectively felt a chill run down their spine.

Suneater slowly turned around and could only see the hero from before, but there was an unavoidable oppressive aura behind him.


In an instant, Suneater saw the hero who was laying down from being crushed and shot, bolt forward at unbelievable speed.

The hero ran to the back of his foot and shaped his fingers like claws. Beyond the norm, they dug their hands into the flesh of the villain's leg, with the giant immediately flinching at the pain. However, before he could do anything, the Hero pulled and pulled so hard that the foot began to move. They grit their teeth to the point where they could crush steel and then they pulled it back.


Now completely losing his balance the giant fell on his back with a loud shockwave. The Hero then would stop at this point, but this hero immediately jumped to the front of his face and ripped out strands of hair. They then turned around and jumped to Suneater. "Eat it." Tamaki, terrified at the sight of the bloody-handed hero, immediately obeyed. "Ensnare him afterward," the hero ordered. Then, after briefly putting his hand on his face, he jumped to the top of a roof and ran off.

Lemillion immediately ran to his friend, "What happened to them!? Where are they going?!" Suneater was barely speaking, "I- they gave me the hair- they-" Nejire then came down from the sky, "Are they going to a hospital?" Tamaki didn't know. Nejire then flew back up but couldn't see a trace of them.


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