Chapter 20 - Combat

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Immediately the boy began taunting Izumi, a bold strategy for sure. I couldn't understand what they said but I could easily tell my sister was getting pissed. Then, something mysterious happened, and she stopped moving completely. The boy snickered and pointed behind her, Izumi then began to turn around... How interesting. A quirk that controls the other person in some way, unfit for combat so it's easy to see why he isn't in the hero course, but it's a very good quirk.


Well, that was quick, Izumi is not strong-willed enough to break out of a mind control quirk so I guess she's out first, what a great day it is-


A massive gust of wind blew up through the entire audience, no one could look down if they wanted to keep their hats. Present Mic, if he was using his announcer voice before, was now screaming, "IZUMI STOPPED!!"

The gust subsided and I looked down in awe, Izumi snapped out of it. The audience cheered at this feat and I couldn't understand it at all. After that, she won easily by staying silent and simply overpowering him with raw strength, but I still didn't understand. How did she get out of that?!

Let's try to think this through. Izumi was brainwashed as soon as she stopped talking, her opponent doesn't look like one that wastes time so it's safe to assume it's activated vocally. He then gives an instruction and she follows it. Then at the last moment, she activated One For All and broke out by using it.



I can assume that you stay conscious when you're brainwashed, One For All has to require a conscious choice seeing as both All Might and she have to scream to do anything. If so... why was it not faster? Izumi is quick-witted and would definitely try anything to break out immediately. Does that mean One for All isn't the answer?

Then it hit me. Soul field.


Her original quirk, it's equivalent to entering your mind as a projection. She must've somehow used her quirk on herself to break out.

She's becoming even more of a pain, she's basically unchallengeable physically once she masters All Might's quirk and she will be immune to mental attacks with her original quirk. If I don't satisfy my desires quickly enough, I could run out of ways to escape her.

It's an arms race, and she doesn't even know she participated.


I dazed out a bit thinking about Izumi's first match, but it looks like now it's Bakugo against another girl.

The match immediately started with the girl charging forwards, bold of her to do so as Bakugo obviously used his quirk to get out of her reach. Bakugo begins playing the long game where he just moves around his opponent and blasts them from a distance, tiring them out. It actually got so bad that the crowd started to scorn him, but in my eyes and Aizawa's announcement, that girl must have a contact quirk that could win instantly. Suddenly, she stood in glory and threw her hands together. Bakugo, the audience, and I had to look up to see she had prepared a meteor shower that would fall onto the stage, an anti-gravity quirk! Although it seems that she forgot the rocks could also fall on her as well.


This shocked me again. In one shot he destroyed all the tons of rock. Bakugo was also stronger than I thought. This is bad, really bad.

Of course from that point on Bakugo won easily, and all other matches would have faded out of my sight as I stood in distress. It took someone else in the audience accidentally bumping into me for me to realize that Izumi was fighting again and that this is the second round.

Izumi was against Shoto Todoroki, pro-hero Endeavor's son. This was also a variable that could affect me so I can't miss out on information. The match commenced and Todoroki launched a pillar of ice at Izumi, in retaliation, she flicked her finger with One For All to create an enormous amount of wind pressure against it. Izumi's power was now what I expected and Todroki became more of an enigma. The son of Endeavor, with an ice quirk? Something's up for sure unless he's adopted.

The back and forth continued with Izumi flicking four more times and Todoroki barely resisting it by using his quirk to stop himself. Izumi's right hand is out of commission and it looks like Todoroki is experiencing frostbite on his right arm. Izumi then starts to get into the position to sprint forwards and actually shoots forwards. Todoroki was breathing heavily before he noticed and tried to use his quirk again. Izumi sidestepped to doge and began to approach closer. Todroki's movements were sluggish and he couldn't catch her before she got right up in front of him and placed her hand on his forehead.

Immediately, Todoroki's arms flopped and Izumi stood still, looking like she's gonna use her original quirk to win. I wonder what his soul field looks like.

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