Chapter 5 - Gone

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5 minutes passed and Izumi thawed out of her shock.

Her eyes wide open, she immediately turned around and sprinted towards her house.

She arrived home with a heavy breath,

Then barged inside.

"H-Huh!? Izumi! Why did you come in like that?!" Inko asked.

Izumi ignored her and immediately walked up to Izuku's room.

She arrived in front of the door, still short of breath, and opened it.


No one.

It was empty.

Izumi ran back downstairs in a panic, where did her brother go?

"I-Izumi dear, what's happening?" asked Inko.

"Mom, do you know where Izuku went?"

"Izuku? Who's that?"

"My... brother?"

A cold realization just settled among both of them, Izumi realized that her entire family forgot her brother, and Inko realized she's been neglecting her son.

"I-Izuku? Wh-where did he go? How could I- Where- I-" Inko was drifting into a panic.

"To his room. Now." Inko charged upstairs to the empty wood door.

As they both stepped inside, a thick smell of iron set in.

"What's this... smell?" Izumi asked as she held her nose.

Inko had a cold shudder as she walked toward his old wooden desk.


Inko immediately looked in the garbage bin.


Bloody- Bandages.

Izumi was near to collapsing from the sight, what had her brother been doing- no scratch that, what had SHE been doing all this time?

Inko ran downstairs and called the police.


One tear-filled call later and there's a knock on the door.

Inko opened it to see a man with a trench coat along with a short woman with a lab coat.

"Hello, I am Detective Tsukauchi, the one on the other side of the phone when you called. I've brought with me the Youthful heroine: Recovery Girl as she was in the station today," said the detective.

"A-And I'm Yagi Inko."

"Yagi? Alright, well I suggest that Recovery Girl assess your son's room. In the meantime, would you mind answering a couple of questions?"

"A-Alright," responded Inko.

"Excuse me, Recovery Girl? " said Izumi.

"What is it dear?"

"May I join you for the investigation? I- I would like to know what my brother has been doing as well..."

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