Chapter 46 - Signs of Culmination

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Mirio and Tamaki were ready for round 2, they would back each other without being compromised again. Once Fist started slowly unstuck himself from the wall, he grunted while placing his hand on his head, "that damn hurt."


Suddenly, Fist turned his head to the alleyway on his side in shock. It confused both Mirio and Tamaki since all they could see was emptiness there, but Fist seemed transfixed on it.


"I could never forget that sound..."

"Huh!? What did you say!?" "Nothing. Besides, is there not something more important you're forgetting?" Neither Tamakai nor Mirio knew what Fist was talking about, their focus was right in front of them- "Or are you just that gullible?"

"Wait!? Where is she!?"

Fist began snicking while pointing in a random direction, "Bleeding out somewhere, why don't you go find her?" Mirio immediately whispered something to Tamaki and was about to run as fast as he could before Fist said "Ah, ah ah! Who knows how much time she has left... " Mirio tightened his Fist and whispered into his earpiece, the both of them then left running into the alleyways.

"Now time for the main event."

Aizawa arrived around 3 minutes after the last contact with Mirio, in which he informed him that they were splitting up to find a wounded Nejire. He had ordered all the students to stay behind him, given the danger Fist now proved to be. This is strange, even for him. Throughout all the months they've interacted, Fist never seemed like the guy who would brutally wound a student where they could die.

The group arrived at the abandoned site with an eerie air, not quite dead, yet not quite living. Izumi was strong on her guard and Todoroki did the same, Aizawa was holding down Bakugo since he was too hyperactive to be stealthy. They stepped through a large crack they found in the wall and entered the old facility. The inside looked and felt just like the outside, not quite inviting in the slightest. For a moment, Izumi questioned Aizawa if this was the right place, but after checking the tracker on his phone, it pointed to the same place. Fist is here... somewhere.


A loud metallic sound resonated throughout the facility, there was no reason for it to occur other than for it to be man-made. All other systems and machinations had long rotted away in this place, yet the box-tube ventilation systems shook abruptly around them.

"THAT'S ANNOYING TO LISTEN TO! MAKE IT LOUDER!" yelled Bakugo holding his hands on his ears. Compared to anyone else, he was probably the only one that could deal with these decibels of sounds, since he heard explosions daily. Bakugo then ran to one box pipe with a decayed side, "I'LL SHOW YOU LOUD!" and used his quirk to detonate an even louder noise straight into the system. The entire ventilation network shook violently with the explosion, pipes vibrating at frequencies they were never meant to sustain, until-

*Creakkkk* *Crash*

Right behind them, one pipe fell down due to stress with another figure holding onto it. Both of them crashed into a pile of boxes although one stood back up immediately after. Aizawa only needed one glance to immediately recognize what it was and proceeded to throw and ensnare the figure with his capture weapon in an instant. But right as he was going to pull it tight, it felt loose again. He looked closer to see a reflecting shard in the moonlight, with grey pieces of his scarf falling around it. "Your little tricks won't work in this fight, Eraser head," said Fist holding a sharp cut of glass that must've been from a scrap pile.

KithsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora