Chapter 40 - Caught up

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*huff* I won, I actually won against a top hero! That was too close, I'm close to burning up on the spot right now.


Oh NO! The Jet Burn! I forgot that I redirected it!


I moved as fast as I could, but that fireball moved faster than the speed of sound and a pillar of smoke was already forming.

I could hear the alarm ringing out from here, and I could see the point of impact. The second story had a massive hole bore through it. As I approached, I decided to jump right through and grab as many students as I could see.

The entirety of the wall was charred and cracked, and the inside of the classroom was barely recognizable as one. I was warned by Green that the longer I stay here idle, the more others will suffer and so I moved out to the hallway. There, I saw a door blocked by flames and so I ran in and dropkicked it open. It turned out to be a bathroom and there were 3 kids, all looked to be 11 or 12. They were sweating and shaking.

"Hold on to me, quickly"

They all looked at me with shock at first, but then quickly grabbed onto my back and both my arms. "Can you tell me where the exit is?" "D-D-Downstais and s-s-straight!" whispered a boy, "alright, hang on."

Back out, the flames were still roaring brightly, I moved to jump over them and run to the stairs. As I moved further to the entrance, I heard more screams next to me and so I decided to quickly kick the entrance open and leave them to save the others.

I quickly made sure they ran in the right direction and then headed back inside, "h-HELP!" the screams echoed.

Your body's temperature is rising steadily, get out before you fall unconscious

I stopped at a door with a melted lock and burnt stickers on the front. Once I forced it open, I saw the entire class standing at the back, with their teacher. "THE DOOR IS OPEN, GO NOW!" I yelled, and it took them a moment before they all passed through, I had to make sure the door stayed open for all. I stopped just one of them because I noticed a strand of their pink hair was smoking, upon which I quickly fanned it out and told her to leave.

The heat was getting unbearable, I needed to get out to cool down... but more and more screams were echoing.

In the end, I headed outside, to try and see if I could climb to anywhere that was sealed off. To my dismay, my shoulders began to feel heavy instead.

I'm passing out, what do I do?

I don't know, it's just too hot

I can't risk getting caught, maybe I should just leave

You will save those students

But... I'm going to collapse on the floor! What do you want me to do?!

Save them.



...I might have an idea

Do it! I don't care how, just keep me up

Alright! Here we go!

In a brief moment, I suddenly felt awake again. I questioned how Red could get the adrenaline flowing back in my head but I then realized that I left a crack in the pavement, along with my head throbbing, I can guess what he did. No matter what, I took advantage of the situation to quickly move all around the building.

"Just stay there! You'll be rescued!"

I was now on the side that had the pitch with every student cowering in its corner. The teacher was yelling to someplace and when Iooked up, I could barely see the faces of a couple of kids behind the window of the tallest point from the school. "Are you a hero?!" she said to me as soon as she noticed I was there. "Yes." "Oh my god! Please! There are kids stuck on that tower to access the roof! You need to save them!" she pleaded, pointing to the window. "Alright, I'll try my best."

I picked up a trashcan lid that was nearby and yelled out as hard as I could, "STAY AWAY FROM THE WINDOW, AS FAR AS YOU CAN!" not knowing how desperate it sounded. Luckily, they heard me as through the window, I saw them back up-

Things suddenly flashed in black and white.

I heard the teacher scream and then I noticed another crack under me. It seems that Red is keeping me awake for this, no matter what. I pulled back my arm holding the metal soon-to-be disc and tried to put as much stress as I could on my muscles. Then, in one shot, I threw it up with enough force to violently fracture the concrete wall right next to the window. From there, I quickly jumped on window sill after windowsill to grab onto an air vent and finally land on the disk that was wedged in. Using my other arm...


I forced the wall open and hastily entered to grab the kids. It's a good thing they weren't far from the top floor, and so I quickly picked them up.

I believe now that no one else is in immediate danger, as I heard the alarms of other cars approaching. I need to be careful in the future, I might put this life at risk when I'm close to my goal.

Aizawa POV

I got an emergency message from the Endeavor Agency that they had met the vigilante at the address they sent. Typically, that area is completely out of my jurisdiction, it was purely thanks to the police order that was assigned to my case.

After getting a quick discharge from the hospital, I could quickly move out to the designated location. I was lucky to be allowed one purely because I didn't do much to injure myself in the yakuza raid, although Izumi still did too much. Speaking of which, I absolutely need to know how Fist was present during that raid, any history is good information to know more about them.

As I approached the area, I noticed that a pillar of smoke was rising a block further away, so I immediately headed in that direction. Once I got there, I saw that a school building was set ablaze. Thankfully, the next-door pitch was already quite full of students and teachers, meaning that at least a good portion managed to evacuate.

Out of nowhere, Fist landed in front of me, right as I was about to step on the pitch.

There was smoke that emitted from multiple parts of their suit, I could even tell it was burnt, despite that they were carrying three kids in their arms. "You're safe, come down" Their voice was now rugged compared to last time, it must be to the lack of oxygen.

Fist let the kids down and then stumbled towards a teacher. I didn't hear what they said but she pointed to me afterward, upon which we entered a staredown for a couple of seconds. Afterward, they immediately booked it to the nearest light post with me following soon behind.

They were slower the usual, I was close to catching up without much effort compared to normal. Was it that they did not recover since the raid?... and then they fought Endeavor?

It seemed my judgment was correct, as Fist collapsed soon after. Standing over them, I could see that they had been through more than just the raid, there were no fire accidents that left burn marks this large. I was about to wrap them with my capture weapon but they swung their arm to deflect it. "You're still awake!?" I yelled in surprise while spinning back to not get hit. Fist slowly lifted his head up... and then smashed it on the ground with enough force to fissure the concrete. Were they forcefully rushing adrenaline like this? That's insane.

I heard them groan slightly, then jump off to another roof. Now, I had to give chase again, although it's catching up to me that I was discharged early, I'm getting tired. But nevertheless, they're in the worse position and it wasn't long until they began to slow down once again. Once there was the opportunity, I threw my capture weapon and caught their leg in mid-air.

I pulled them towards me, but there was no reaction, I checked that their pulse was stable and determined they must have passed out. The next thing now is to get him to an infirmary immediately.

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