Chapter 4 - Perceived

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Izuku quickly goes back on his steps to hide behind the wall, what was the number one hero doing here?


Huh? Was that my sister's name? Why would the number one hero talk to my sister?

Izuku snuck another peek.

There she was,

His sister.



"OH MY GOD! DAD YOUR ALL MIGHT?!" his sister screamed.

Izuku froze, he couldn't believe it, his father said he worked for heroes, but to think he was a hero!?

"Izumi, I want you to inherit my quirk," "Wha-what did you just say?"

"Izumi my daughter, my quirk has the special ability to be passed down to a new user."

"Since It's been harder for me to do hero work due to this injury, I need to choose an heir." said All Might/Dad, before revealing a massive wound on his chest.

"Don't worry my daughter! I didn't choose you without thinking, I know you can do it!"

"Young woman, you can become a hero!"

Izumi was crying at the sight of him holding his hand out.

"Before I give you it, however, you need to train to handle this quirk! Otherwise, your body would rip apart!"

Izumi was not responding as she was still softly crying.

"I will send you a location later, but now I still need to work! So goodbye!"

With that, he transformed back into All Might and jumped to another city.

"I-I... Yes!" Izumi was now crying with joy as she waved.


Izuku was shaking, his father just denied his redemption, his only chance to come back to society... for his SISTER!?!?

Izuku couldn't believe it, he was now getting annoyed with his family, not even just ignoring him... but also his parents closing an escape?

He then realized he was starting to cry, he needed to leave.


Izumi caught wind of what sounded like the shuffling of a backpack and turned around. Was it someone?

Being too curious, she moved to the origin of the noise and turned the corner to see a glimpse of dark bushy green hair and a yellow backpack before it left her sight.

"Wait.. green hair like mine... a yellow backpack..."

Where had she seen this before...?

Then it hit her, it hit her like a truck hitting a street light.

"B-brother? Iz-Izuku?" she said with a shaky breath.

It all came to her, she had a brother that she had been ignoring for years!

Izumi broke down in tears, she couldn't understand how she missed her brother's existence until now. Trying to remember anything about him, she could only remember his soul field in the car ride. A deep forest, but nothing else, no other memory.

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