Chapter 45 - Prelude

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Nejire flew a couple of meters higher than the roof of the building and began to circle it, trying to see if there was any window to look inside since most were boarded up. However, three-quarters of the way, she noticed an emergency exit door was opened, and just a little further ahead... was a black figure. She immediately descended down to the roof to sneakily look at them, it was Fist, in the flesh. She then communicated in her earpiece "I'm at the location, Fist is there, I have them in my sights." Aizawa responded "Good, don't get seen and wait for everyone to get there. Notify us if they leave the location." "Got it." Nejire then began to observe them and noticed something strange, Fist was... limping. What injury did they sustain to do so? They couldn't have done much since Aizawa captured them- Wait. They turned around and looked up... at her. Nejire stood still, maybe she would be hidden in the darkness...


No. Fist was looking at her and approaching the wall, they felt much more threatening than before, just a look in their eyes and a chill would go down her spine. "I think they saw me- AHHH!" "Nejire! What's happening?!" said Mirio. "They climbed the building and surprised me! I'm staying above them now" "Sigh, I don't think you can escape them, try to tire them out," said Aizawa.

Nejire stayed a couple of meters above and away from the edge Fist was standing, now that she had a good look, they had changed from the last time she saw them. Compared to the discrete yet heroic stance they normally took, this was... unnerving. The way their fingers were far apart from each other and bent like claws, the way they never stood straight and leaned forwards to pounce at any moment, all of it was...inhuman. It was by this point that Nejire also noticed that both of them had stayed completely silent as the wind passed by.

"Are- you ok?" she asked when she realized that Fist was panting heavily, "..." "What happened for you to become like this?"

In an instant, Nejire saw Fist bending their knees and jumping at full force to catch her. She tried to fly away from it but they were coming in faster and faster until... they dropped, crashing into the ground. Nejire's heart was beating fast at the scare she just had, the thought of them gripping onto her was chilling. And so she slowly descended down to their body, who was concerningly motionless. Right after landing, she placed her fingers on their neck, it thankfully had a pulse. She then quickly began to call Mirio, perhaps things were going to be over quicker than she thought?

"Got you."

A chill went down her entire body and stopped at her foot, Fist got a tight grip on her heel, they were just pretending to be unconscious.

Nejire screamed in terror and immediately tried to use her quirk to get away, but Fist wasn't letting go. He slowly stood up from the ground, still holding on, and pulled her over his head to throw her into the factory wall with enough force to crack. She let out a small yelp of pain before Fist finished it by smashing her head into the ground, and she wouldn't get up again.

After he threw her down, he noticed a small earpiece had fallen out. He put it up to his ear, "Nejire?! NEJIRE?! What's happening?" for a laugh, he thought he would give them a scare, so he whispered "She's dead" and crushed the earpiece instantly.

Th_t w_sn't sm_rt

Who cares?

I d_.

Whatever, your time is almost up

So y_u're doi_g wh_tev_r yo_ want?

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