Chapter 48 - Open mind

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"Do you think this plan will work?"

"Surely, Izumi has trained so much for this"

"This will calm him down"

Down the wormhole once more. The dim and foggy entrance didn't faze Izumi in the slightest, she was determined to end this now.

When she landed in the freezing tundra, she immediately activated One For All - Full Cowling 20%. The harsh snow gripped her leg again, a feeling she still couldn't get used to, and the snowstorm obscured her entire field of vision. Using her quirk, she jumped up and grabbed a thick branch that wouldn't collapse immediately. Trying to peer through the horizon, it still looked the same as always. Now, she initiated her own plan to make this clear.

Izumi took a deep breath, focusing on her ethereal self and One For All. She thought back to the fight with Overhaul and used this power without consequences. The energy coursed through her veins, she felt something like millions of volts run through her body, and... there it was. At One For All - Full Cowling 100% the snow was repulsed off of her legs, and a space around her was now created where snow would change its course and divert around her. She took a deep breath and held back her fist.


The wind gust blew apart the trees and the snow far in front of her, piles of wood chips and ice crystals formed an elliptical crater as if a meteor had landed. Izumi looked at the power she wielded for one second, then immediately began to use Detroit smashes in every direction. It was pushing back hundreds of trees that piled up to form a wall of snow and bark all around her in a 100-meter radius. Now, she could see everything clearly and nothing would jump out at hr through the night. For some reason, she could feel the figures from before, just slightly. They were all approaching... no... both? Two were approaching, she knew that for sure.

Izumi kept her eyes peeled for any movement at the edge of the snow, she felt pressure weighing on her by the second.


A movement! A shake of a branch! Was this a figure!? Izumi can't tell but can't risk it either. She faced the direction of the noise while bracing her arm with One For All ready...





The red eyed-figure flew towards her at hypersonic speeds with his claws gleaming in front of it. Izumi readied her hand... and at the last moment, threw another punch powered by One For All, sending a gust of wind that pushed it back hundreds of meters behind. "Yes! It worked! I can do this now!" Izumi spoke gleefully, she was now confident she could find the exit to the soul field and calm Fist down once and for all.


Behind her! This must be the other one, she wouldn't be scared of them anymore. She prepared for her attack and again the same thing happened. The white-eyed figure jumped at her at insane speeds, Izumi's punch didn't touch him but reached just close enough for it to experience the maximum amount of wind blowing in its face. For a second, most of the smoke that hid its true body was blown away and it revealed a spot of... green hair?

Izumi couldn't get a full glimpse of what sort of green the hair was before the figure was sent back into the woods, but it looked awfully close to hers.


Back to before! The red-eyed figure had jumped at her again. Izumi needed to quickly turn around and use One For All... DETROIT SMASH!

This time was too close, it was almost at her leg.

A shadow now came over her, Izumi quickly turned around and used One For All without thinking. Although it phased through the figure in front of her, the gust pushed it away just a bit, scattering the fog covering it and revealing.... its... true look... Izumi stood frozen, shocked to her core. In front of her was her brother, her brother she thought was dead.

"AHHH!" Izumi yelled as she jumped back from the ice chunk. Bakugo and Todoroki Immediately ran to her to ask what happened, ignoring the once-still body of Fist fully coming back to his senses. A cold snicker echoed as the ice cracked, now more audible than ever thanks to his shattered helmet, "The time has come." Todoroki quickly turned back around to face Fist, "Bakugo! Are you ready?!... Bakugo?" He wouldn't move, he was stuck after hearing Fist's real voice. The ice continued to fracture as Fist vigorously moved all parts of his body. All of his limbs were no longer stuck, apart from one thing... his helmet. No matter, he freely shook his head out of the ice, further revealing his head. Bakugo now began to slowly turn around as Fist broke free and ripped off the last shards covering his face.

"Remember ME?"

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