Chapter 26 - Interview

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The audience erupted in cheer, it was Soul Metal's most popular song by far. However, even with the fame and success, the lead singer quickly left the stage. In the audience, a certain man wearing a simple white shirt was eagerly awaiting the results of the interviews.

He had waited until nearly 80% of the audience left the area, which was when the interviews came up on the screen. First was Eikyo.

"From humble beginnings, you've nearly tripled your audience here, what was the key to your success?"

"I think the moment was when I met Rufiji. He's the one who wrote the lyrics, and honestly, his ideas make me feel like different people wrote them."

"Not much is known about the lead singer, Rufiji, could you share a little more for the public?"

"Honestly, I couldn't give much else. He's very private about his personal life, apart from some details, but I only know what I've seen since I met him. In fact, he already left."

"How did the name 'Soul Metal' come about?"

"It wasn't actually me who came up with it, you should ask Kenban for that"

"Then Kenban, What are the origins?"

"Well... in a way... the name was brought on by each of us. We have interests in many genres but our interests align in rock and metal. The 'Soul' part is a piece of all our pasts, our upbringing, and the beliefs we hold on will."

"Speaking of upbringings, It's a known fact you support charities with your income, why?"

"It's true, we donate a third of our earnings to mental hospitals and suicide-prevention foundations. We also support orphanages, and each of us chose one in fact. We support them not only because we believe in their importance, but also because everyone in the band had 'events' in which we wish no other should face."

The rest of the interview did not matter to the white-shirted man as he quickly left the area once he heard the main singer had left. He ran out and around the building to try and find him.

To his luck, he succeeded. The hooded singer was still on the street and the man ran up quickly. "Stop! Wait!" The man yelled, and so the singer turned around. Under the streetlamp at night, these two men were going to yield an interesting conversation.

"*huff* *puff* "I'm sorry for stopping you, but I just want to ask you some questions"

The singer pondered for a moment... "Sure, go ahead"

The man lifted himself up again, "Alright, my name is Tsukaichi, and I work for the police."

The singer stiffened for a moment. "What do the police want with me? You don't look like an officer..." "I apologize, I'm not in charge of an investigation currently, so I'm just wearing normal clothes. As for your first question, I just remembered as I walked out that I needed a public opinion on a matter, so I just went to the first person I saw."

A subtle silence took hold...

"Alright what do you want to ask?"

A sense of relief and accomplishment went over the undercover detective, he had managed to secure a pseudo-interview. In truth, this was the man that Aizawa had warned him about. Saying the voice of the singer and the voice of the notorious vigilante, Fist, were similar. By secretly using his quirk, he hoped to find more information.

"Firstly, have you heard of the vigilante named Fist?"

"Well, he's popular nowadays isn't he?" -- True

"Yes, and according to reports you sound similar to them, do you have some sort of connection to Fist?"

Tsukaichi was aiming high with this question and he knew it, he could only hope for the best. If he didn't respond, the silence was given suspicion.

"Well... I do have a twin sister..." -- True

It wasn't definitive enough but he couldn't pressure it more, so he chose a neutral question to follow up.

"Where does your family live then?"

"I'd rather not talk about family..."

This was not progressing well, the singer became more suspicious and reserved as time went on.

"Do you- have any information on the vigilante?"

The singer let out a large sigh. "You know... That vigilante does a variety of things, right? It makes me think... how is he doing, in other ways than physical?"

The detective was surprised at this answer, "What do you mean?"

"I think you know what I mean... I'll be heading off now, I wish you a good evening officer."

While the singer slowly left the lights of the street lamps, the detective was hypothesizing in his head.

Is Fist just crazy?

No- they can't be, how else could they talk to those kids...

Eraser Head told me that the kids treated Fist as their savior.

Did they go crazy? What does he mean?


"Why did he call Fist a male...?"


Alright, I think that will keep him busy for a while...

What did you mean when you said: "in other ways?"

Oh, I just came up with vague crap to confuse him

Well you did a damn good job


Yes I did, I would love nothing more than to forget her face


I saw her face when Green sang, and I can tell that she was resonating with the lyrics...

Oh how I wish I could see her right now, see her with that song in her head

"What did you think, Izumi?" "I like it, don't get me wrong, the band is awesome but..." Katsuki was confused to see her dark expression. "Is it too- similar? Or is that just me?!" Izumi was shaking fearfully before she just stopped, "S-sorry, I'll head home now."

Quickly and shily, Izumi ran back home, Katsuki wanted to follow her but he couldn't bring himself to, not at this hour.

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