[Extended] Chapter 50 - The Finale

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[WARNING: Chapter is double the length than usual]

The empty wind blew past the remnants of the factory, the story between these siblings approaching its conclusion.

On one side, the heir to a power passed down from generation with the ability to bend fate and mix with others. Its wielder was exhausted but determined to stand tall. On the other, an outlaw that yearned for his own end with a track record that would scare most. Although his body was nearing the point of collapse, his mind couldn't be more transfixed.

Izumi used One For All - Full cowling and stepped back waiting for Izuku to make a move. Izuku observed and slowly got onto his heels while lowering his torso. The both of them stood for a moment until Izuku suddenly appeared in front of her. Izumi tried to duck below the punch but wasn't fast enough, resulting in her being hit in the face. She let out a grunt of pain before quickly retaliating with a kick to the chest pushing him back. The both of them began to chase after each other.

"So that's the power of All Might, huh?" said Izuku, leaping forward and almost catching Izumi. "All Might? You mean dad?" "That man stopped being my family long ago, just like you." Izuku was purposely trying to stagnate her confidence at every chance he got, in hopes it would end this quickly. Instead, it ticked Izumi to turn around with her fingers in the position of a flick. "Delaware Smash!"

The coming gust of wind blew Izuku back to the edge of the property where he managed to hold on to a stop sign, at the cost of one of Izumi's fingers. While stunned by the pain, Izuku took the opportunity to grab a piece of rubble that flew by with him and throw it at her. Izumi didn't see it coming and got hit by it on her abdomen, but as Izuku charged forward to hit her, the adrenaline from the impact helped her dodge his attack.

"Why did you become like this?" asked Izumi, peddling back to ready herself again.

"Like I had another choice- You brought me here."

"How could I-"

"Remember that knock on the door... the day you were busy studying"

"..." The memory was recurring in Izumi's mind every night

"Oh, how things would have changed had you answered..."



Izuku yelled and dashed forward again, he knew that Izumi would try to counterattack him so he moved his knee in a way he didn't for a long time. This was a technique that Green did, but Izuku never tried it out on his own, it was called confusion kick. He remembered seeing it done on Aizawa a long time ago with completely disorientating effects, this was what he was aiming for. Izuku nearly reached Izumi, and just as their hand touched one another, he violently pushed it to the side while using his leg on hers in the other direction. The result is a fully anticlockwise rotation that Izumi didn't even notice yet, and so Izuku quickly realized how to finish it off with a knee. Altogether, it looked as if Izuku briefly controlled her gravity, and forced it toward the ground. Izumi only realized what happened once the pain overcame her, and by then, Izuku already readied another punch straight into the ground she lay.


The impact fractured the crater further than before, and Izumi seemed to have fallen unconscious.

"*Huff* *Puff* You really were an annoyance till the end, right?"

"Haven't changed, just like him"

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