Chapter 6 - Regret

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If Izumi wasn't already close to passing out from all the blood, Inko already did.

"Well while we wait for her to awaken, I should explain the significance of this," Recovery girl said.

"First, it's clear he possesses one if not 2 more personalities in him, as these notes allude to mood swings"

"Second," She pulled out ripped sheets of paper "This is a warning letter of self-harm by your school, that was ripped apart."

"If your son managed to find it before you, I say firstly that I'm surprised at your ignorance, and secondly, he is committed to his deed"

"It's also clear the lack of communication, as I overheard, leads me to think that he turned to escape his ignorant household in a potential search for death. Although I don't know why he chose now."

"Judging by the letters and believing what I was told as the context, the outcome I hypothesize is that your son left this house not only due to the ignorance but the trauma it built. This is dangerous because being left alone in the streets while practicing self-harm, has a high likelihood of suicide"

The detective pulled out his phone Immediately.

"I'm putting this on top priority for underground heroes right now."

"I am here...?" a voice was heard from the doorway.

"Ohh! Toshinori! Excuse me but I would like to scold you personally!" The youthful heroine proclaimed.


Building to building, alleyway to alleyway, a black figure traverses to maintain order, under a low profile. This man was known by many criminals as the first line of defense for committing crimes at night.

Aizawa POV

Tonight is a patrol like any other, unchanging for years. I'm just walking on the sidewalk before I have to go and pretend to be the Tarzan of the streets again.

I- *bump*

"Oh sorry! I wasn't looking!"

"Don't worry about it kid, I wasn't paying attention," I responded to the kid.

"Wait! Are you Eraser head?" the kid asked.

"Hmm? Well yes."

"Oh my god, I'm such a fan! It's great to meet you personally!" the kid said in a cheerful tone.

"Interesting, underground heroes don't have fans. It's usually the big flashy ones like All Might."

"Haha... I used to be like that," the kid said.

This kid seemed pretty normal, he had some distinct hair with a tired expression that rivaled my own. He wore a school uniform with a bright yellow backpack.

"Eraser head, could I suggest something?" the kid asked.

"Sure, but why don't you tell me your name first?"

"Oh I'm Izuku, I was going to suggest that since your quirk's weakness is that you have to keep your eyes open, you should get darkened lenses in your glasses to resist flashbangs and such."


"...Uhh, I'm so-"

"Nono, It's fine Izuku, I was just a bit shocked at how smart that is."

"Oh! It's nothing... I just kinda had the idea."

"Well, shouldn't you get home now?"

"Oh! Right!"

"It's fine... You should become a hero with those kinds of analytical skills."

"Haha, Yeah maybe..."

With that remark, the kid left down the street, and I got back up to the roof, waiting for the nightly call. The call to inform me of the most important case for the night.


There it is,

"Alright, what is it tonight?" I asked the police station.

"Night' Aizawa, the newest priority right now is finding a runaway kid, he has a high chance to be suicidal."

"Describe him."

"He's 14, he has green bushy hair and is in a black school uniform with a yellow backpack. He's called Izuku Yagi, and he was last seen-"

"SEND A SEARCH TO MY LOCATION, I saw him 3 minutes ago!"


I traced back my steps and ran down the street, where did the kid go?

They said he may be suicidal, which is the worst thing about him going missing, how did he hide it? He seemed so cheerful when he spoke to me...

I continued to look around but found nothing, it was as if he vanished.

*sigh* Why do they keep escaping out of my grasp?

Izumi POV

It's been a week, and no one knows where Izuku went.

Apparently, a pro hero saw him for a brief moment but was unable to locate him again.

I'm really, really scared, if my brother ends up gone, I... don't think I could become a hero with that regret.

During the week, All Migh- dad brought me out to a beach for me to train. It seemed a bit ridiculous to move ALL of the garbage, but it's necessary to inherit his quirk.

During the training session, I also had to ask him a question.

"Dad, why didn't you give your quirk to Izuku?"

The waves arrived and receded as the silence settled, neither wanted to talk about it, yet it was unavoidable. The cool wind of the sea blew past both of our hair until Dad finally started to speak.

"...Izumi, I wish there was a better reason. But there is no other excuse apart from that I forgot him too."

"You could have saved-!!"

"Izumi. This isn't just my problem, it's our family's failure. Recovery girl already told me what a disappointment of a father I am, and I don't deny it."

"I am a failure." Dad covered his face with his hand.


"Even now, you would still be the only successor."

"But..." I wanted to speak.

"Do you think Izuku would want the power I've denied him? The redemption I never showed him?... No, he would only hate it, hate that I have this power."

"I... I can't argue," both of us held our heads down in shame.

A constant conflict embraces my mind, do I continue my ambition and take this power to the limit, or do I stop? It feels like I'm choosing what knife to stab myself with. To cut off my dream or to acknowledge that I have this undeserved power. Does he still think of me? As a sister? No- I need to train... to try and... see Izuku, whatever has become of him, he couldn't have done it- no he's so kind...

A vivid memory of the blood writing reappeared in Izumi's head.

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