Chapter 30 - Demised

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Over the course of the last few days, the activity of both the top heroes and the villains has suspiciously decreased. Patrolling hasn't changed in its quality and quantity before that so what's going on? I can predict that the villains are building up for something, but what could the heroes be doing?

I remember seeing UA apologize on the TV, and seeing Aizawa in a formal outfit was weirder, but I couldn't bother to pay attention.

"What are you thinking about?"

I look back down to Sachie who's sitting on my lap, "Nothing important, now what do you think this is?"

The strawberry-blonde girl looked back down at the paper, "I know! That's the pulmonary artery." "Correct! You're learning fast aren't you?" She gave a playful nod.

Things have been going smoothly for a while now, at least with this persona. There was a time when both of the girls cried as they saw me, and I had to remember that I saved Sachie that day I almost lost myself. Luckily, she seems to have overcome it, although she sometimes asks me questions li-

"Are you going to stay here?"

"Of course, I don't have anywhere else to go."

You lie

I know

I wonder how the heartbreak will be when you're uncovered

I know

A monster like you should not be close to someone innocent like her

...I know

HEY! It's time for patrol!

"Anyways I'll need to go to my job now. AKAHANA!"

The redhead quickly ran down, "what is it?" "I'm going to work now, could you?" "Oh sure!" She quickly grabbed my arm and snapped, "You two. make sure you don't stay up too late now..." "We will!" "Alright, bye!"

As soon as I stepped out of the door, I quickly went around and climbed to my windowsill, there I picked up my armor and quickly left. In this 1 hour-long moment, no pain will stop me.


An unbelievably loud sound reached my ears, this sounds like tons worth of TNT exploding. I jumped up to a roof and saw... massive gusts of wind pressure shooting back and forth a couple of miles away. This... had to be All Might, only unparalleled power could create this, but if it's going back and forth, who is he fighting!?

The collateral damage is already visible at this distance, I need to get there immediately.


As soon as I approached, a dark aura forced its way onto my will. It was malicious and volatile, thick and dark, Stain's aura is like dust in the wind compared to this. Had it not been for the fact that I have 3 psyches, I would be dominated by fear right now.

What is... that?

Don't know, don't mind it, focus on something else


Choosing to feign ignorance, I instead went around whatever that was and followed the streets.


Even though I deliberately chose to avoid the battle, its effects can still be felt this far out. As I ran through, buildings were collapsing left and right, luckily it seems that most of them have been evacuated.

"Quickly pack it all! This is our one chance!"

Hearing those voices, I took a peek inside an abandoned store and saw two guys robbing the cash register. I slowly crept in and placed myself behind the aisle closest to the exit.

"How many more are there on this road?" "I think about 3" "Alright, let's get out of here"

The two quickly put their bags over their shoulders and started running. As soon as they reached the door, I jumped in and kicked the first in the face.


The second unsleeved his arm which had purple marks all over it in the shape of a claw. I didn't respond and charged in to chop at his neck. I then had to immediately jump back as waves of energy surged around his arm and tore up the ground and ceiling. I tried to move around quickly but he kept using his quirk and blocking himself off of me.


The second was recovering! I needed to get back to him immediately but the other already moved in front of him and used his quirk.

"They're an underground hero! Quickly, use yours!"

I couldn't do anything, he was completely invincible, that quirk has to have some sort of drawback. The second guy was up now and after seeing me, he pointed to the ceiling and jumped. I looked and saw that all the cracks formed from the quirk before it started glowing, then the ceiling collapsed.

"Alright, that's done now let's get out of here fast" "Is he dead?" "Even if he isn't, he won't move for a while."

"Wait..." "What?" "Is the rubble moving?" "Oh crap!"

10 minutes left... Painkiller is still active. I had to push myself from the ground with the ceiling piece on my back, but no matter how painful it would be, I'm numb to it now. The robbers had left, but they wouldn't be far. As soon as I stepped out, I saw them just a little over 200 meters away. It's time to use one of my special moves.

I took a deep breath and lowered myself to the position of a running start, and lifted my heel just a bit, and then, with all my strength, I pushed onto the ground and propelled myself, forwards. Then as I gained momentum, I continued to sort of jump off the ground to reach the robbers in 3 seconds. Neither of them expected it, and once they turned around I used my flashing gloves to stun them, followed by a swift chop.


I looked up and saw a tornado raising high from the battleground I avoided, it lifted massive chunks of buildings and rubble. I've never seen such a display of strength, hell could a quirk even do this?, was this All Might's final attack?

My curiosity got the best of me and I had to jump back up to the rooftops to see it, the villains would be unconscious for a while anyways. Once up, I jumped to the site of impact and as soon as I arrived, there was a crater of at least a 100-meter diameter, at the center was All Might, with a strange figure on the floor.

Hey look, it's your dad


When I looked back at All Might, I recognized that he wasn't in his hulking figure anymore. This suddenly brought an image to my mind, did Izumi get a hulking form? No, that thought is horrifying, and the memory of her in the sports tournament cut that theory short, thank god.

Anyways, no matter who that villain was that pushed All Might this far, they're not standing up after that. Although this brings up a good question, what will the era without the "symbol of peace" look like? A curious question indeed.

As I came back to the unconscious villains, just making sure they were still there, I saw a poster that was ripped from the damage, it faintly read... "Soul... metal, 3rd concert?" Then it hit me, there's a third performance tomorrow! Damn it, I need to sing again!

Frustrated, I left to go back to my room and prepare for tomorrow.

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