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My mom was always on work and rarely went home. She didn't even left us money when she left. My grandma would borrow money for us to have food to eat. Mom was full of debt to the point she agreed on paying anything on the house. There would always random people coming to our home checking if my mom was home and there started where we wouldn't open the door or even window. My mom is hiding to the people she loans and had debt on. It came to the point that my grandma can't handle it anymore and we decided to make her leave because my mom was really in debt and she was stressed so we agree to let her take a break it was hurtful, but it was for her own good because lola is now old and needed to take a rest on taking care of us and out of stressful environment. I still want her alive tho and I visited her or she visited us when we got our vacant time. She left us. It is me and my sister against the world.

I was still on online class multitasking on taking good care with my younger sister. My teacher would scold me if I can't open my camera. I was listening but I'm not in the screen for I am tucking my sister to bed for her afternoon nap. I rarely eat because the money I have is for my sister's food its okay if I can't eat for a day or 2 as long as my sister didn't skip her meal. It came to the point that she would ruin my assignment and I have to redo it all over again. I didn't even think on giving up for I have my sister and I'm okay with it.

I miss my lola, I wasn't used on doing it all by myself but I need to for my sister. She was my everything I would do anything for her even if I have to take my dignity down and swallow my pride. Just like my lola did hid me from the hurtful really as long as I can I'll keep you comforted and safe Alexi Grace Marie Kuiñones. I Isla Gabrielle Sofia Kuiñones promised you that my love. I'll protect you.

Weeks past by my mom went home and the next day she left to "work" again. She only left us 200 pesos "Isl you can fit this till next week its the only money I have" she said "Ma it's okay I can find a way" as I hugged her goodbye. Seeing my sister laugh and smile the exhausting thought would fade away, I thought she would come home but it's been 3 weeks and I don't have exact amount of money to buy my sister food so I put my pride away and ask for my mami for money "Mi can you add 13 pesos I still have 11 pesos but its not enough" I begged "why? What would you do with the money?" She asked "Lexi's food is almost out I wanted to buy food so that she could eat until tomorrow morning" I replied, mami went inside and give me money and I quickly went to the store and bought her food. My tummy is rumbling "pls not right now we don't have enough money to feed you tummy I'm sorry maybe next time". I hurriedly prepare her food so that when she woke up she could it and I could go back on my classes.

My fathers salary is near and my mom is at home. WEIRD right but anyways "Isl talk to your father say hello and how are you act like your his daughter not always on your laptop playing with friends does that give us money?" I just followed what she said cause I don't want to argue. The paycheck is there she go out to withdraw it bought milk and food for my sister left us 200 pesos again and left. She has been doing this cycle for the past 9 months. I still ask mami for help though but she suspected me because why does I keep asking for money? Is it really for my sister? Or I used it for something else.

Mami secretly spying on us and she report it to my father and guess what.. my dad didn't believe her because as he said "Isla have allowance every month why would she keep asking money from you ma" my dad said to my mami. I was surprised for I am a daddy's girl hearing my dad not believing anything that happen to me hurts me the most. I step that aside because why would you believe a 15yr old girl asking for money.. taking good care of her sister? It's impossible right?

My dad asked for a video call and there he found out my situation and that point he believes me. He give me a monthly food not money but food. I'm fine with it, its better than having nothing. I still continue taking care of my sister till I finish grade 10 on march 24 with high honors. A little bit more and my sacrifices would pay of I'll do my best to finish nursing so that lexi and I wouldn't suffer anymore.

"Isla get ready we will meet someone" my mom woke me up "but lexi who would take care of her" I asked "she will be alright okay hurry up" I just followed her and we went into a hotel.. "Mr. Ramos this is my daughter she is fresh you wouldn't have to worry she's a good girl" did she just do that... wtf mom. "Here the 2million pesos she sure is pretty" as he drag me to a room I fight for my life but he's to strong. I cried and ask for help but he didn't listen he threw me in the bed and lock the doors he is in his 50's. He was getting off his clothes and I was scared he wanted me to strip but I denied he got pissed and kissed me aggressively I push him with all my might and kick his balls. I run out of the room and shouted for help no one was in there it was a weird hotel no workers I successfully went outside and gladly there was a taxi I went in and ask the driver to drove me to our house luckily I have money with me so I reached home Safe. I looked for my mom but I didn't saw her. I was mad with her and wanted to slap my mom.

After few months my mom went home and hug me I didn't hug her back I was still mad she sold her own daughter for money. What kind of mother is that. My dad is coming home at April, while my mom is in our house for a month now because she is getting ready for my dad's return. Here comes the hell 2.0.

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